ICSI sonrası fertilizasyon sonuçlarına azoospermik ve oligospermik hastalardaki genetik anomalilerinin etkisi
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Bu çalı manın amacı; azoospermili ve oligozoospermili erkek hastalarda hem kromozom anomalilerinin hem de Y mikrodelesyonlarının sıklı ını ve tiplerini belirlemek; saptanan genetik anomaliler ile infertil erkeklerdeki klinik veriler arasındaki ili kiyi incelenmi tir. Genetik anomali saptanan azoospermik ve oligozoospermik erkeklerde, genetik anomali varlı ının intrasitoplazmik sperm injeksiyonu (ICSI) sonrası fertilizasyon ba arısı oranları üzerine etkisini ara tırmaktır. Bu çalı mada 97 infertil ve 10 fertil erkek incelenmi tir. Bu çalı mada 97 infertil erkek hasta arasında azoospermik olan 73 hastanın 2'sinde Y kromozom delesyonu saptanmı tır. Azoospermik 73 hastanın 13'ünde ve oligozoospermili 24 hastanın ise 3'ünde toplam 16 infertil hastada kromozom anomalisi saptanmı tır. Genetik anomalili hastaların ICSI sonrası gebelik sonuçları ile non-genetik hastaların ICSI sonrası gebelik sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır
We determined the incidence and types of microdeletion and chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients; correlation between clinical data of infertile patients and genetic abnormalities. We investigated the impact of genetic abnormalities which present in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients' fertilisation success rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We performed 97 infertile and 10 fertile males in this study. Among the studied of 97 infertile male patients, 73 were azoospermic and 24 were oligozoospermic. total of 16 patients detected with Yazışma Adresi: chromosome microdeletions; 13 out of 73 azoospermic patients and out of 24 oligozoospermic patients detected With chromosomal abnormalities. We invastigated the incidence of chromosome microdeletions and chromosomal abnormalities and total genetic abnormalities in those patients. Among patients who had pregnancy after ICSI, there was not any statistical correlation between patients those has genetic abnormalities and pregnancy. We detected neither chromosome deletions nor chromosomal abnormalities in the fertile control group of 10 people.
We determined the incidence and types of microdeletion and chromosomal abnormalities in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients; correlation between clinical data of infertile patients and genetic abnormalities. We investigated the impact of genetic abnormalities which present in azoospermia and oligozoospermia male patients' fertilisation success rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We performed 97 infertile and 10 fertile males in this study. Among the studied of 97 infertile male patients, 73 were azoospermic and 24 were oligozoospermic. total of 16 patients detected with Yazışma Adresi: chromosome microdeletions; 13 out of 73 azoospermic patients and out of 24 oligozoospermic patients detected With chromosomal abnormalities. We invastigated the incidence of chromosome microdeletions and chromosomal abnormalities and total genetic abnormalities in those patients. Among patients who had pregnancy after ICSI, there was not any statistical correlation between patients those has genetic abnormalities and pregnancy. We detected neither chromosome deletions nor chromosomal abnormalities in the fertile control group of 10 people.
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