Kıvırcık koyunlarda koroner arterler üzerine makroanatomik bir çalışma
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
II 1.ÖZET M.K.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Anatomi (VET) Anabilim Dalı YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ /HATAY-2005 Azime DOĞRUER Danışman Yrd. Doç. Dr. Erdal ÖZMEN Kıvırcık Koyunlarında Koroner Arterler Üzerine Makroanatomik Bir Çalışma Kıvırcık koyununun coroner arterlerinin anatomik özelliklerinin ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Çalışmada değişik yaş ve cinsiyette 14 adet Kıvırcık koyun kalbi kullanıldı. Coroner damar içine renklendirilmiş latex enjekte edilerek damarlar dolduruldu. Diseksiyonu yapılan kalpler değerlendirilip fotoğrafları çekildi. Terminolojide Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (1992) kullanıldı. Kıvrak koyununda, kalbin arteriyel vascularizasyonunun, aorta'nın başlangıcı seviyesinden orijinlenen a. coronaria dextra ve a. coronaria sinistra tarafından sağlandığı gözlendi. A. coronaria dextra'nın ve dallarının seyri esnasında verdiği septal dalların, a. coronaria sinistra'nın ve dallarının seyri esnasında verdiği septal dallara kıyasla daha az sayıda ve daha ince olduğu gözlendi.Ill A. coronaria dextra'nın iki numunede orijininden sonra iki dala ayrıldığı belirlendi. A. coronaria dextra'nin dallarından s. coronarius dexter'e yönelen dal atrial dallan verirken, distale yönelen dalın, ventricular dallan verdiği tespit edildi. R. distalis atrii dextri üç numunede tespit edilemedi. R. marginis ventricularis dextri ile r. distalis ventriculi dextri'nin altı numunede ortak bir kök ile orijinlendikleri belirlendi. A. coronaria sinistra'nın beş numunede r. interventricularis paraconalis ve r. circumflexus sinister'e ayrıldığı; bu iki dala ilave olarak, altı numunede, r. proximalis atrii sinistri, iki numunede r. septalis ve r. proximalis atrii sinistri, bir numunede r. proximalis atrii sinistri, r. intermedius atrii sinistri ve r. septalis'i verdiği gözlendi R. proximalis ventriculi sinistri ile r. marginis ventricularis sinistri'inin iki numunede ortak kökten orijinlendiği gözlendi. R. distalis ventriculi sinistri'nin de iki numunede, iki ayrı kök olarak orijinlendiği tespit edildi. R. collateralis sinister proximalis ile r. collateralis sinister distalis'in bir numunede ortak kökten ayrıldığı görüldü. R. interventricularis subsinuosus'un r. circumflexus sinister'in devamı niteliğinde olduğu gözlendi. Sonuç olarak yerli ırkımız olan Kıvırcık koyununun koroner damarlarının anatomik özelliklerinin belirlendiği bu çalışma daha sonra yapılacak olan klinik ve anatomik çalışmalara ışık tutacaktır. Koyun kalbi ile insan kalbinin benzer anatomik özellikleri nedeniyle insan hekimliğinde de yapılabilecek çalışmalarda yararlanılabileceği kanısındayız.
IV 2. ABSTRACT A Macro Anatomic Study on the Coronary Arteries of Kıvırcık Sheep The aim of this study was to determine the anatomical properties of the coronary arteries of Kıvırcık sheep. 14 Kıvırcık sheep's heart, in different ages and different sexes were used as the material. In this study the coronary arteries were filled with coloured by latex injection. Dissected hearts were evaluated and photographed. Nomina Anatonica Veterinaria (1992) was used of terminology. It was observed that, the arterial vascularisation of the heart was provided by left coronary artery and right coronary artery which origined from aorta's at the level of the beginning part. It was observed that the septal branches which the right coronary artery and its branches gave off during their course are less in number and thinner than the septal branches which the left coronary artery and its branches gave off during their course. In two of fourteen samples it was seen that right coronary artery divided in two branch after its origin. The branch directed to right coronary groove gave off the atrial branches. The other branch which directed distally gave the ventricular branches. Right distal atrial branches were not observed in three samples. It was determined that right ventricular marginal branch and right ventricular distal branch was origined from the same root in six of fourteen samples. It was seen that in five of fourteen samples left coronary artery was divided into left anterior descending and left circumflex arteries. Addition to these twovessels it gave off left proximal atrial branch in six samples, septal branch and left proximal atrial branch in two samples and left proximal atrial branch, left intermedied atrial branch and septal branch in one sample. It was observed that left proximal atrial branch and left marginal atrial branch originated from the same root in two samples. However left distal ventricular branch was originated as two different root in two samples. It was observed that in one sample left proximal collateral branch and left distal collateral branch was originated from the same root. Subsinuosal interventricular branch was determined as the continuation of the left circumflex branch. As a result, in this study it was evaluated the anatomical properties and the variablity of coronary artery in the local breed Kıvırcık sheep. The results of this study can be useful in both anatomical and clinical researches. Since anatomical properties of sheep heart and human heart being quite similar the results of this study is thought to be useful in human medicine.
IV 2. ABSTRACT A Macro Anatomic Study on the Coronary Arteries of Kıvırcık Sheep The aim of this study was to determine the anatomical properties of the coronary arteries of Kıvırcık sheep. 14 Kıvırcık sheep's heart, in different ages and different sexes were used as the material. In this study the coronary arteries were filled with coloured by latex injection. Dissected hearts were evaluated and photographed. Nomina Anatonica Veterinaria (1992) was used of terminology. It was observed that, the arterial vascularisation of the heart was provided by left coronary artery and right coronary artery which origined from aorta's at the level of the beginning part. It was observed that the septal branches which the right coronary artery and its branches gave off during their course are less in number and thinner than the septal branches which the left coronary artery and its branches gave off during their course. In two of fourteen samples it was seen that right coronary artery divided in two branch after its origin. The branch directed to right coronary groove gave off the atrial branches. The other branch which directed distally gave the ventricular branches. Right distal atrial branches were not observed in three samples. It was determined that right ventricular marginal branch and right ventricular distal branch was origined from the same root in six of fourteen samples. It was seen that in five of fourteen samples left coronary artery was divided into left anterior descending and left circumflex arteries. Addition to these twovessels it gave off left proximal atrial branch in six samples, septal branch and left proximal atrial branch in two samples and left proximal atrial branch, left intermedied atrial branch and septal branch in one sample. It was observed that left proximal atrial branch and left marginal atrial branch originated from the same root in two samples. However left distal ventricular branch was originated as two different root in two samples. It was observed that in one sample left proximal collateral branch and left distal collateral branch was originated from the same root. Subsinuosal interventricular branch was determined as the continuation of the left circumflex branch. As a result, in this study it was evaluated the anatomical properties and the variablity of coronary artery in the local breed Kıvırcık sheep. The results of this study can be useful in both anatomical and clinical researches. Since anatomical properties of sheep heart and human heart being quite similar the results of this study is thought to be useful in human medicine.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veteriner Hekimliği, Veterinary Medicine, Kıvıcık koyunu, Kalp, Koroner arterler., Kıvıcık sheep, Heart, Coronary artery.