Gonadal maturation and spawning of Penaeus semisulcatus (Penaeidae: Decapoda)
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Bu çalışmada, gözsapı kesiminin Penaeus semisulcatus’un gonad olgunlaştırma, kabuk değiştirme ve yumurtlaması üzerine etkisi arastırılmıştır. Tümü bireysel olarak markalanan 12 adet gözsapı kesilen ve 12 adet gözsapı kesilmeyen dişi ile 12 adet erkek 12 tonluk olgunlaştırma tankına stoklanmıştır. Gözsapı kesilen karideslerin hepsi 9.08±1.68 gün içinde kabuk değiştirmiş ve ilk yumurtlamalar gözsapı kesiminden 16.75±3.41 gün sonra gerçekleşmiştir. 45 gün içinde, gözsapı kesilen karideslerin hepsi yumurtlayarak dişi başına ortalama 177.000±133.340 yumurta üretmis, ancak bu süre içinde gözsapı kesilmeyenlerin sadece üç tanesi yumurtlamış ve bunlar ortalama dişi başına 23.216±16.957 yumurta üretmislerdir (P<0.05). Deneme boyunca, gözsapı kesilen disiler ortalama 3.17±1.40 kez, kontrol grubu ise 1 kez yumurtlamıstır. Gözsapı kesilen dişiler, aynı kabuk değiştirme döngüsü içinde çok sayıda (4 defaya kadar) yumurtlama yapmışlardır. Hem gözsapı kesilenlerde ve hem de kontrol dişilerinde, yumurtalarda ortalama % 84–87 gibi yüksek bir döllülük oranı elde edilmiştir (P>0.05). Disi basına ortalama naupli üretimi gözsapı kesilenlerde 81.574±55.126 iken, gözsapı kesilmeyenlerde 13.397±11.535 olarak gerçeklesmiştir (P<0.05). Bu çalısma, tutsaklıkta P. semisulcatus’un gonadlarının olgunlastırılması ve yumurtlatılması için gözsapı kesiminin gerekli olduğunu göstermiştir. Çevresel koşulların uygun tutulması ve gözsapı kesimiyle, Türkiye’deki yarı–tropik kosullar altında, ilkbahar başlarında karides çiftliklerindeki semirtme havuzlarına stoklanacak yavruların üretimi mümkün olabilecektir.
The effects of eyestalk ablation on maturation, moulting and spawning in Penaeus semisulcatus were investigated in this study. Twelve males and 12 eyestalk&#8211;ablated and 12 non&#8211;ablated, all individually marked females were stocked into a 12&#8211;ton maturation tank. All the ablated females moulted in 9.08±1.68 days and first spawning occurred 16.75±3.41 days following eyestalk ablation. While all the ablated females spawned, producing an average of 177.000 ±133.340 eggs, only three non&#8211;ablated females spawned, producing average of 23.216±16.957 eggs during a period of 45 days (P<0.05). Throughout the experiment, the average number of spawnings per female was 3.17±1.40 for ablated and 1 for non&#8211;ablated ones. Multiple spawning (up to four times) occurred within the same moulting cycle in ablated females. Irrespective of the ablation treatment, the average fertility rate of the eggs was high, ranging between 84 and 87% (P>0.05). Average nauplii production per female was 81.574±55.126 for ablated and 13.397±11.535 for non&#8211;ablated ones (P<0.05). This study demonstrates that eyestalk ablation is necessary to induce maturation and spawning of P. semisulcatus in captivity. By eyestalk ablation and management of environmental conditions, it should be possible to obtain seeds for shrimp farms to head&#8211;start on&#8211;growing in the early spring under the subtropical conditions of Turkiye
The effects of eyestalk ablation on maturation, moulting and spawning in Penaeus semisulcatus were investigated in this study. Twelve males and 12 eyestalk&#8211;ablated and 12 non&#8211;ablated, all individually marked females were stocked into a 12&#8211;ton maturation tank. All the ablated females moulted in 9.08±1.68 days and first spawning occurred 16.75±3.41 days following eyestalk ablation. While all the ablated females spawned, producing an average of 177.000 ±133.340 eggs, only three non&#8211;ablated females spawned, producing average of 23.216±16.957 eggs during a period of 45 days (P<0.05). Throughout the experiment, the average number of spawnings per female was 3.17±1.40 for ablated and 1 for non&#8211;ablated ones. Multiple spawning (up to four times) occurred within the same moulting cycle in ablated females. Irrespective of the ablation treatment, the average fertility rate of the eggs was high, ranging between 84 and 87% (P>0.05). Average nauplii production per female was 81.574±55.126 for ablated and 13.397±11.535 for non&#8211;ablated ones (P<0.05). This study demonstrates that eyestalk ablation is necessary to induce maturation and spawning of P. semisulcatus in captivity. By eyestalk ablation and management of environmental conditions, it should be possible to obtain seeds for shrimp farms to head&#8211;start on&#8211;growing in the early spring under the subtropical conditions of Turkiye
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Zoology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri