Hiperemezis gravidarumlu gebelerde helicobacter pylori pozitifliğinin semptomlarla olan ilişkisi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bulantı ve kusma şikayetiyle hastanemize başvurup, Hiperemezis Gravidarum tanısı alan gebelerde, Helicobacter Pylori pozitifliği ile Hiperemezis Gravidarum kliniği arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi amaçladık.Çalışmamıza 1 Ocak 2010 ile 31 Ağustos 2010 tarihleri arasında MKÜ Tıp Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi gebe polikliniğine başvuran ve Hiperemezis Gravidarum tanısı alan, ek hastalığı bulunmayan, 20. gebelik haftasına kadar olan 90 hasta alındı. Gebelere sosyodemografik özellikler, obstetrik özellikler dışında Hiperemezis Gravidarum semptomlarının şiddetini belirlemek ve gruplandırma yapmak üzere 8 sorudan oluşan Rhode's skorlama sistemini içeren anket formu dolduruldu. Skorlama sistemindeki sorulara verdikleri cevaplar karşılığında aldıkları puanlara göre hastalar hafif, orta ve şiddetli derecede semptomatik olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Her gruptaki hastalarda Helicobacter Pylori sıklığını belirlemek ve bu durumun Hiperemezis Gravidarum semptomlarının şiddetiyle olan ilişkisini belirlemek üzere kan ve tükrük örnekleri alındı. İstatistiksel analiz için ?2 testi ve tek yönlü varyans analiz ( Anova ) testi kullanıldı. P< 0,05 anlamlı olarak kabul edildi.Çalışmamıza katılan gebelerin Rhode's skorlama sistemine göre % 15,5' i ( n=14) hafif, % 58,9' u ( n=53 ) orta ve %25,6' sı ( n=23 ) şiddetli derecede semptomatik gruba dahil oldu. Çalışma grupları arasında yaş, gravida, parite, eğitim ve sosyoekonomik durum bakımından anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı.Hafif derecede semptomatik grupta; 14 hastanın 11'inde ( %78,6 ), orta derece semptomatik olan grupta 53 hastanın 45' inde ( % 84,9 ) ve şiddetli derecede semptomatik olan grupta 23 hastanın 19' unda ( % 82,6 ) Hp IgG pozitif olarak saptandı ( p=0,847). Hafif ve orta derecede semptomatik olan gruplarda Hp IgM pozitif hasta saptanmazken, şiddetli derece semptomatik grupta Hp IgM pozitifliği % 26,1 olarak belirlendi ( p<0,01 ). Gruplardaki PCR DNA pozitiflik durumu, hafif derecede semptomatik gruptaki 14 hastanın 1'inde ( % 7,2 ), orta derecede semptomatik olan gruptaki 53 hastanın 2' sinde ( %3,8 ) ve şiddetli gruptaki 23 hastanın 21' inde (%91,3 ) saptandı (p<0,01). Hafif, orta ve şiddetli grupların abortus, AST, sT4 ve idrarda keton pozitiflik oranları arasında şiddetli grup lehine anlamlı bir artış söz konusuydu.Hiperemezis Gravidarum semptomlarının şiddeti ile Helicobacter Pylori arasında pozitif ilişkinin olduğu gözlendi. Hiperemezis Gravidarum semptomları ağır seyreden olgularda Helicobacter Pylori birlikteliğini kesin olarak saptamada, seçilmiş vakalarda PCR' ında tanıda kullanılabilecek bir metod olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between Helicobacter Pylori positivity and Hyperemesis Gravidarum clinics on pregnant women who applied to our hospital due to nausea and vomiting and were diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum.Subjects of the study comprised of 90 patients applying to MKÜ Faculty of Medicine Research and Application Hospital Obstetric Policlinic between 1 January 2010 and 31 August 2010. All of the patients were pregnant up to the 20th week and diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum without any other diseases. The subjects completed the questionnaire including the Rhode?s scoring system comprised of 8 questions in order to identify and classify the applicants? sociodemographic and obstetric attributes as well as severity of Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms. On the basis of the responses to the scoring system, the subjects were classified under three groups as mild, moderate and severe symptoms. Blood and salivary samples were taken to identify frequency of Helicobacter Pylori in all groups and to find out its relationship with magnitude of Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms. For statistical analysis, ?2 test and one-way variance analysis (Anova) test was applied. P< 0,05 was taken as significant value.Of the subjects, 15,5 % (n=14) were included in mildly symptomatic group, 58,9 % (n=53 ) in moderately symptomatic and 25,6 % (n=23) were included in severely symptomatic group on the basis of the Rhode?s scoring system. No significant difference was found between the groups in terms of age, gravida, parity, education and socioeconomic status. Hp IgG was found positive in 11 out of 14 patients (78,6 %) in the mildly symptomatic group, 45 out of 53 in the moderately symptomatic group (84,9 %), and 19 out of 23 patients (82,6 %) in the severely symptomatic group( p=0,847) . While no Hp IgM positive patient was found in the mildly and moderately symptomatic groups, Hp IgM positivity was found 26,1 % in the severely symptomatic group ( p<0,01 ). PCR DNA positivity was found in 1 out of 14 patients in the mildly symptomatic group (7,2 % ), in 2 out of 53 patients in the moderately symptomatic group (3,8 %) and in 21 out of 23 patients in the severely symptomatic group (91,3 %) (p<0,01). As for the abortus, AST, sT4 and ürine ketone positivity rates among the three groups; a significant increase was seen in advantage of the severely symptomatic group.A positive relationship was found between severity of the Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms and Helicobacter Pylori. For patients with heavy symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, we think that PCR method can also be used in cases selected for identifying Helicobacter Pylori association.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between Helicobacter Pylori positivity and Hyperemesis Gravidarum clinics on pregnant women who applied to our hospital due to nausea and vomiting and were diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum.Subjects of the study comprised of 90 patients applying to MKÜ Faculty of Medicine Research and Application Hospital Obstetric Policlinic between 1 January 2010 and 31 August 2010. All of the patients were pregnant up to the 20th week and diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum without any other diseases. The subjects completed the questionnaire including the Rhode?s scoring system comprised of 8 questions in order to identify and classify the applicants? sociodemographic and obstetric attributes as well as severity of Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms. On the basis of the responses to the scoring system, the subjects were classified under three groups as mild, moderate and severe symptoms. Blood and salivary samples were taken to identify frequency of Helicobacter Pylori in all groups and to find out its relationship with magnitude of Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms. For statistical analysis, ?2 test and one-way variance analysis (Anova) test was applied. P< 0,05 was taken as significant value.Of the subjects, 15,5 % (n=14) were included in mildly symptomatic group, 58,9 % (n=53 ) in moderately symptomatic and 25,6 % (n=23) were included in severely symptomatic group on the basis of the Rhode?s scoring system. No significant difference was found between the groups in terms of age, gravida, parity, education and socioeconomic status. Hp IgG was found positive in 11 out of 14 patients (78,6 %) in the mildly symptomatic group, 45 out of 53 in the moderately symptomatic group (84,9 %), and 19 out of 23 patients (82,6 %) in the severely symptomatic group( p=0,847) . While no Hp IgM positive patient was found in the mildly and moderately symptomatic groups, Hp IgM positivity was found 26,1 % in the severely symptomatic group ( p<0,01 ). PCR DNA positivity was found in 1 out of 14 patients in the mildly symptomatic group (7,2 % ), in 2 out of 53 patients in the moderately symptomatic group (3,8 %) and in 21 out of 23 patients in the severely symptomatic group (91,3 %) (p<0,01). As for the abortus, AST, sT4 and ürine ketone positivity rates among the three groups; a significant increase was seen in advantage of the severely symptomatic group.A positive relationship was found between severity of the Hyperemesis Gravidarum symptoms and Helicobacter Pylori. For patients with heavy symptoms of Hyperemesis Gravidarum, we think that PCR method can also be used in cases selected for identifying Helicobacter Pylori association.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bulantı, gebelik, kusma, helicobacter, hiperemezis, Nausea, pregnancy, vomiting, helicobacter, hyperemesis