Solunum sistemi problemli kedilerde Feline Herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) ve Feline Calicivirus varlığının moleküler olarak araştırılması
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Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada FHV (Feline Herpesvirus) ve FCV (Feline Calicivirus) şüpheli örneklerde söz konusu enfeksiyonların varlığı/yaygınlığının araştırılması, bildirilen semptomlarla
ilişkilendirilmesi ve bu virusların moleküler karakterizasyonu amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu amaçla klinik olarak solunum sistemi problemi gösteren toplam 70
kediden 31 nasal, 30 konjunktival, 8 oral, 7 orafarengeal ve 11 rektal swap ile 32 EDTA’lı kan
örneği olmak üzere toplam 119 örnek alınmıştır. Alınan örneklerden viral nükleik asit ekstraksiyonu yapıldı ve söz konusu enfeksiyonların varlığı PCR ile araştırıldı. Pozitif bulunan
örnekler moleküler karakterizasyon için dizin analizi işlemine tabi tutuldu.
Bulgular: Örneklenen kedilerin toplam %45,71’i (32/70) FHV-1 ve %10’u (7/70) FCV nükleik asit varlığı yönünden pozitif olarak tespit edildi. Toplam pozitifliği bildirilen bu kedilerin, %4,29’i (3/70) her iki etken için birlikte pozitif olarak değerlendirildi. Örneklenen
solunum sistemi bulgulu kedilerde FHV-1 enfeksiyonun daha yaygın olduğu görüldü; yaş
bilgisi olan kedilerde enfeksiyonların her yaş grubunda oluştuğu gözlenirken; özellikle oral
ve/veya orafarengeal swap örneklerinin her iki enfeksiyonun teşhisinde de duyarlı örnekler
olduğu tespit edildi.
Öneri: Bu enfeksiyonların, enfekte kedilerde görülmesinin yanı sıra sağlıklı görünümlü
hayvanlarda da tespit edilebildiği ve söz konusu enfeksiyonların bulaşında bu durumun
göz ardı edilmemesi gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle klinik belirtilerin şiddetinin
azaltılması, saçılımın ve persistansın en aza indirgenmesi adına özellikle toplu yaşayan, dışarıda bir arada bulunan kedilerin düzenli aşılanması üzerinde durulmalıdır. Ayrıca FHV ve
FCV dışındaki etkenlerin de (M.felis, C.felis, B.bronchoseptica gibi bakterilerIer) kedilerde
solunum, göz ve oral lezyonlarda bulunabileceği unutulmamalı ve bu etkenler de enfekte
kedilerde kontrol edilmelidir.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence / prevalence of these infections in FHV (Feline Herpesvirus) and FCV (Feline Calicivirus) suspected samples, to correlate them with reported symptoms and molecular characterization of these viruses. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, a total of 119 specimens were collected from 70 from cats clinically showing respiratory system problem, 31 nasal, 30 conjunctival, 8 oral, 7 orafarengeal and 11 rectal swaps and 32 EDTA blood samples. Viral nucleic acid extraction was performed from the samples and the presence of these infections was investigated by PCR. Samples with positive results were subjected to sequence analysis for molecular characterization. Results: Sampled cats were evaluated as positive for 45.71% (32/70) FHV-1 and 10% (7/70) FCV. 4,29% (3/70) of these cats were positive for both infections. FHV-1 infection was more common in cats with respiratory system findings. While age-conscious cats were observed in all age groups; especially oral and / or orafarengeal swap samples were found to be sensitive samples in the diagnosis of both infections. Conclusion: These infections, as well as being seen in infected cats, can also be detected in healthy-looking animals and it should be noted that this should not be ignored in the transmission of these infections. Therefore, in order to reduce the severity of the clinical symptoms, to minimize the scattering and persistence, it is necessary to focus on the regular vaccination of the cats that live together, especially in the community. In addition, factors other than FHV and FCV (bacteria such as M.felis, C.felis, B.bronchoseptica) can be found in cats with respiratory, eye and oral lesions and these factors should be checked in infected cats.
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the presence / prevalence of these infections in FHV (Feline Herpesvirus) and FCV (Feline Calicivirus) suspected samples, to correlate them with reported symptoms and molecular characterization of these viruses. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, a total of 119 specimens were collected from 70 from cats clinically showing respiratory system problem, 31 nasal, 30 conjunctival, 8 oral, 7 orafarengeal and 11 rectal swaps and 32 EDTA blood samples. Viral nucleic acid extraction was performed from the samples and the presence of these infections was investigated by PCR. Samples with positive results were subjected to sequence analysis for molecular characterization. Results: Sampled cats were evaluated as positive for 45.71% (32/70) FHV-1 and 10% (7/70) FCV. 4,29% (3/70) of these cats were positive for both infections. FHV-1 infection was more common in cats with respiratory system findings. While age-conscious cats were observed in all age groups; especially oral and / or orafarengeal swap samples were found to be sensitive samples in the diagnosis of both infections. Conclusion: These infections, as well as being seen in infected cats, can also be detected in healthy-looking animals and it should be noted that this should not be ignored in the transmission of these infections. Therefore, in order to reduce the severity of the clinical symptoms, to minimize the scattering and persistence, it is necessary to focus on the regular vaccination of the cats that live together, especially in the community. In addition, factors other than FHV and FCV (bacteria such as M.felis, C.felis, B.bronchoseptica) can be found in cats with respiratory, eye and oral lesions and these factors should be checked in infected cats.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Feline Herpesvirus 1, Feline Calicivirus, PCR, Dizin analizi, Feline Herpesvirus 1, Feline Calicivirus, PCR, Sequence analysis
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bilge Dağalp, S., Doğan, F., Farzani, T. A., Babaoğlu, A. R., Acar Kırmızı, G., & Çabalar, M. (2019). Solunum sistemi problemli kedilerde Feline Herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) ve Feline Calicivirus varlığının moleküler olarak araştırılması.