Siklosporin A'nın rat testis dokusunda oksidatif-antioksidatif duruma etkisi ve erdostein'in koruyucu rolü
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Siklosporin A (CsA)'nın rat testis dokusunda oksidatif-antioksidatif duruma etkisi ve erdosteinin muhtemel koruyucu etkisi biyokimyasal ve histolojik yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Deneyde 32 adet Wistar albino erişkin erkek sıçan kullanılmıştır. Ratlar rastgele 4 gruba ayrıldı; Kontrol grubu (n=8), Siklosporin gurubu (n=8, 20 mg/kg/gün i.p.), Siklosporin + Erdostein (n=8, Erdostein 12 mg/kg/gün oral), ve sadece Erdostein (n=8). 10. günün sonunda hayvanlar ketamin/ksilazin anestezisi (60/5 mg her 1 kg için) ile uyutuldu. Kanatma yöntemi ile öldürülen hayvanların testisleri çıkarıldı ve ikiye bölünerek bir parçası biyokimyasal incelemeler için -80 santigrat derecede saklandı, diğer parçası ise histopatolojik incelemeler için formaldehit solüsyonunda muhafaza edildi. Testis dokusunda biyokimyasal incelemelerde; malonildialdehit (MDA) ve nitrik oksit (NO) doku homojenatından; antioksidan enzimler olan katalaz (CAT) ve glutatyon peroksidaza (GSH-Px) homojenat süpernatandan; total superoksit dismutaza (SOD) etanol/kloroform ekstraktından manuel spektrofotometrik olarak çalışıldı. Histolojik incelemeler Hematoksilen-Eosin H-E boyama ile yapıldı ve ışık mikroskobu kullanıldı. Biyokimyasal sonuçlarımıza göre lipid hasarı göstergesi olan MDA, Siklo grubunda kontrol ve Erdo gruplarına kıyasla anlamlı bir şekilde artış gösterdi. Bununla beraber Erdo ve Siklo+erdo gruplarındaki MDA düzeyleri, Siklo grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük tespit edildi (p<0,05). Diğer bir oksidatif stres parametresi olan NO (nitrit/nitrat) düzeylerinde ise Siklo ve Siklo+erdo grublarında, kontrol ve Erdo grublarına göre anlamlı bir artış gözlendi. Ayrıca Siklo+erdo NO düzeyleri, Siklo verilen gruba göre anlamlı olarak düşük tespit edildi (p<0,05). Antioksidan bir enzim olan CAT, Siklo grubunda Erdo ve Siklo+Erdo grubuna göre anlamlı olarak düşük aktivite gösterirken, Erdo grubunda Siklo ve Siklo+Erdo gruplarına göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bir aktivite tespit edildi (p<0,05). Diğer antiokidan enzimler olan SOD, GSH-Px aktivitelerinde ise tüm gruplar arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık gözlenmedi. Histopatolojik sonuçlarımıza göre Siklosporin A'nın testis dokusunda; tübüler büzülme, hemoraji, dejenerasyon, tübüler epitelyumda; dökülme, ağır hücresel dejenerasyon ve hücre kaybı gibi histopatolojik değişikliklere neden olduğu, Erdostein uygulanması ile Siklosporin A'nın neden olduğu histopatolojik değişiklikleri azaltabileceği histolojik boyama yöntemi ile gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak biyokimyasal ve histopatolojik bulgular, bir antioksidan olan erdosteinin siklosporin uygulanarak oluşturulan testis hasarına karşı koruyucu etkisini desteklemektedir.
In the present study, the effect of CsA on oxidative-antioxidative status and the protective effect of erdostein against cyclosporine-induced injury in rat testis was investigated with histological and biochemical methods. In our experiment 32 Wistar albino male rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into four groups; Control group (n=8), Cyclosporine (n=8, 20 mg/kg/day i.p.), Cyclosporine + Erdosteine (n=8, Erdosteine 12 mg/kg/day orally) and only Erdosteine (n=8). At the end of 10th day, the animals were anesthetized with ketamin/ksilazin ( 60/5 mg per kg) and testis tissues were removed and divided two parts for histological and biochemical analysis. The oxidative stress parameters such as malonildialdehit (MDA) and nitric oxid (NO) in tissue homogeneous; antioxidant enzymes such as catalaz (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in supernatan of homogeneous; and the other antioxidant enzyme total superoksit dismutase (SOD) in ethanol/cloroform extract of homogeneous were studied. According to our biochemical results MDA, product of lipid damage, significantly increased in Cyclo group compared to Control and Erdo groups. However, MDA levels significantly decreased in Erdo and Cyclo+Erdo groups compared to Cyclo group (p <0,05). NO (nitrite/nitrate) levels were significantly higher in Cyclo and Cyclo+Erdo groups than Control and Erdo groups. However, NO levels significantly decreased in Cyclo+Erdo group compared to Cyclo group (p <0,05). CAT activities in Erdo group were significantly higher than Cyclo and the Cyclo + Erdo groups, while these activities in Cyclo group were significantly lower than Erdo and Cyclo+Erdo groups (p<0,05). There were no statistically significant difference among all groups in SOD and GSH-Px activities. According to our histopathological results; the tissue of cyclosporine group showed some histopatological changes such as sinuzoidal dilatation, vacuolization in the hepatocytes, inflammatuar cell infiltration and hemorrhage. In the Cyclosporine plus Erdostein group, histopatological changes of hepatic damage markedly reduced. Histological investigations were consistent with statistical results. In conclusion these findings support that Erdosteine decrased cyclosporine induced testis injury. Key words:Testis; Oxidative Stres; Free Radicals; Cyclosporine; Erdosteine
In the present study, the effect of CsA on oxidative-antioxidative status and the protective effect of erdostein against cyclosporine-induced injury in rat testis was investigated with histological and biochemical methods. In our experiment 32 Wistar albino male rats were used. The rats were randomly divided into four groups; Control group (n=8), Cyclosporine (n=8, 20 mg/kg/day i.p.), Cyclosporine + Erdosteine (n=8, Erdosteine 12 mg/kg/day orally) and only Erdosteine (n=8). At the end of 10th day, the animals were anesthetized with ketamin/ksilazin ( 60/5 mg per kg) and testis tissues were removed and divided two parts for histological and biochemical analysis. The oxidative stress parameters such as malonildialdehit (MDA) and nitric oxid (NO) in tissue homogeneous; antioxidant enzymes such as catalaz (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in supernatan of homogeneous; and the other antioxidant enzyme total superoksit dismutase (SOD) in ethanol/cloroform extract of homogeneous were studied. According to our biochemical results MDA, product of lipid damage, significantly increased in Cyclo group compared to Control and Erdo groups. However, MDA levels significantly decreased in Erdo and Cyclo+Erdo groups compared to Cyclo group (p <0,05). NO (nitrite/nitrate) levels were significantly higher in Cyclo and Cyclo+Erdo groups than Control and Erdo groups. However, NO levels significantly decreased in Cyclo+Erdo group compared to Cyclo group (p <0,05). CAT activities in Erdo group were significantly higher than Cyclo and the Cyclo + Erdo groups, while these activities in Cyclo group were significantly lower than Erdo and Cyclo+Erdo groups (p<0,05). There were no statistically significant difference among all groups in SOD and GSH-Px activities. According to our histopathological results; the tissue of cyclosporine group showed some histopatological changes such as sinuzoidal dilatation, vacuolization in the hepatocytes, inflammatuar cell infiltration and hemorrhage. In the Cyclosporine plus Erdostein group, histopatological changes of hepatic damage markedly reduced. Histological investigations were consistent with statistical results. In conclusion these findings support that Erdosteine decrased cyclosporine induced testis injury. Key words:Testis; Oxidative Stres; Free Radicals; Cyclosporine; Erdosteine
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Testis; Oksidatif Stres; Serbest Radikaller; Siklosporin; Erdostein