Hatay yöresi cevizlerinin (Juglans regia L.) seleksiyon yoluyla ıslahı üzerinde araştırmalar
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Hatay Merkez ilçe, Altınözü, Samandağ ve Yayladağı ilçe ve köylerinde 1998 yılında yürütülen bu seleksiyon çalışması sırasında toplam 71 ağaçtan meyve örneği alınmıştır. Bu örneklerde önemli meyve kalite özellikleri ile verim durumu gibi ağaç özellikleri incelenmiştir. Seçilen bu tiplerde meyve ağırlıkları 11.5 g ile 15.8 g arasında değişirken iç ağırlıkları ise 8.07 g ile 4.03 g arasında değişmiştir. İç oranlan % 37.0 ile %58.7 arasında değişmiştir. Seleksiyon tiplerinde açık san iç %60 ile %100 arasında değişmiştir. %100 açık sarı iç veren seleksiyon tiplerinin sayısı 15 'tir. Seçilen tiplerin kabuk kalınlıktan 0.84 mm ile 3.60 mm arasında değişmektedir. Seçilen tiplerde salkımdaki meyve sayısı 2 ile 9 arasında değişirken, 36 tipte meyveseldi oval, 28 tipte ise yuvarlak olmuştur. Verim ağaç yaşma bağlı olmakla birlikte 11.7 kg ile 286 kg arasında değişmiştir. Kabuk rengi 5 üzerinden yapılan puanlamada tipler lile 5 arasında değişen puanlar almışlardır. 1 tip 1, 7 tip 2, 15 tip 3, 16 tip 4 ve 25 tip 5 almıştır. İncelenen tiplerde 32 tip çok düz, 12 tip düz, 10 tip orta, 8 tip pürüzlü, 2 tip ise çok pürüzlü kabuğa sahip olurken, tiplerin tamamı ekstra sınıfa girmiştir. 5 üzerinden yapılan puanlamada iç dolgunluğu ortalaması 4.13 olurken, iç cevizde damarlılıkta İtip 3 puan alırken, 6 tip 4 puan ve 57 tip 5 puan almıştır. İncelene tiplerde 43 tipte iç ceviz bütün olarak çıkmış, 17 tipte %90 oranında iç ceviz bütün olarak çıkarken, 4 tipte ise bütün çıkma oram %80 olmuştur. Güneş yanıklığı değerlendirmesinde tiplerin genel ortalaması 4.60 olurken, kabukta yapışma ortalaması 4.73 olmuştur. İncelenen tiplerden 59 tipte içte büzüşmeye hiç rastlanmazken, 4 tipte %10 oranında ve 1 tipte %20 oranında içte büzüşmeye rastlanmıştır. İncelenen tiplerde 45 tipte iç çürüklüğüne hiç rastlanmazken, 17 tipte %10 oranında 1 tipte %20 ve 1 tipte %30 oranında iç çürüklüğüne rastlanmıştır. 2000, 94 sayfa
11 ABSTRACT Fruit samples from total 71 walnut trees were taken during this selection study carried out in the year of 1998 in the villages and districts (counties) of Yayladağı, Samandağ, Altınözü and center HATAY. İn these samples, tree properties (characterestics) such as important nut quality and yield were investigated. İn these chosen varieties kernel weight changed between 8.07 g and 4.03 g as the weights changed between 11.5 g and. Kernel ratios changed between % 39.5 and % 58.7. İn selection varieties, light yellow kernel changed between % 60 and % 100. The number of selection varieties giving %100 light yellow kernel was 15. The thickness of the crust of the chosen varieties changed between 0.84 mm. As the number of nuts in the bundles in the chosen varieties varies between 2 and* 9, the shape of nuts in 36 varieties were oval while the shape of nuts in 28 varieties were round. The yield depending upon tree age ranged from 11.7 kg and 286 kg. In the grading in which number 5 is the highest according to crust colour, varieties were numbered between 1 and 5. 1, 7, 14, 16 and 25 varieties were numbered with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. In the investigated varieties, as 32, 12, 10, 8 and 2 varieties had crust of very smooth, smooth, medium, rough, and very rough, respectively, all of the varieties were included in exstra class. In the grading based on 5 different grading levels, as kernel filling average was 4.13 in the inner vein of walnut, 1 variety had grade 3, 6 and 57 varieties had the grades of 4 and 5, respectively. In the investigated varieties, inner walnut (kernel) was fully filled in 43 varieties and the percentage of fully filling rate in those 17 and 4 varieties became %90 and %80, respectively. In the evaluation of sun burn, as the general average of varieties became 4.6, the average rate of sticking in the crust became 4.73. As any inner withering was not met in the investigated 59 walnut varieties, in the 4 and 1 varieties %10 and %20 of inner withering were net, respectively. As inner decaying (rot) was never net in the investigated 45 varieties, %10 and %20 of inner decaying (rot) were met in the 17 and 1 varieties, respectively. 2000, 94 pages Key words: Hatay province; walnut; selection.
11 ABSTRACT Fruit samples from total 71 walnut trees were taken during this selection study carried out in the year of 1998 in the villages and districts (counties) of Yayladağı, Samandağ, Altınözü and center HATAY. İn these samples, tree properties (characterestics) such as important nut quality and yield were investigated. İn these chosen varieties kernel weight changed between 8.07 g and 4.03 g as the weights changed between 11.5 g and. Kernel ratios changed between % 39.5 and % 58.7. İn selection varieties, light yellow kernel changed between % 60 and % 100. The number of selection varieties giving %100 light yellow kernel was 15. The thickness of the crust of the chosen varieties changed between 0.84 mm. As the number of nuts in the bundles in the chosen varieties varies between 2 and* 9, the shape of nuts in 36 varieties were oval while the shape of nuts in 28 varieties were round. The yield depending upon tree age ranged from 11.7 kg and 286 kg. In the grading in which number 5 is the highest according to crust colour, varieties were numbered between 1 and 5. 1, 7, 14, 16 and 25 varieties were numbered with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. In the investigated varieties, as 32, 12, 10, 8 and 2 varieties had crust of very smooth, smooth, medium, rough, and very rough, respectively, all of the varieties were included in exstra class. In the grading based on 5 different grading levels, as kernel filling average was 4.13 in the inner vein of walnut, 1 variety had grade 3, 6 and 57 varieties had the grades of 4 and 5, respectively. In the investigated varieties, inner walnut (kernel) was fully filled in 43 varieties and the percentage of fully filling rate in those 17 and 4 varieties became %90 and %80, respectively. In the evaluation of sun burn, as the general average of varieties became 4.6, the average rate of sticking in the crust became 4.73. As any inner withering was not met in the investigated 59 walnut varieties, in the 4 and 1 varieties %10 and %20 of inner withering were net, respectively. As inner decaying (rot) was never net in the investigated 45 varieties, %10 and %20 of inner decaying (rot) were met in the 17 and 1 varieties, respectively. 2000, 94 pages Key words: Hatay province; walnut; selection.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Hatay ili; ceviz; seleksiyon.