Metallo beta laktamaz üreten acinetobacter kökenlerinde meropenem amikasin kombinasyonunun etkinliğinin araştırılması
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Nozokomiyal infeksiyonlara sebep olan türler arasında ilk sıralarda yer alan Acinetobacter türlerine karşı kullanılan antimikrobiyal ajanların tedavideki yetersizliği, klinisyenleri, sinerji gösteren antibiyotik kombinasyonu kullanımına yönlendirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Hastanesi Mikrobiyoloji Laboratuvarına çeşitli bölümlerden gönderilen klinik örneklerden izole edilen metallo beta laktamaz (MBL) üreten Acinetobacter kökenlerinde meropenem ve amikasin kombinasyonunun etkinliğinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Kökenlerdeki MBL varlığı E test yöntemiyle araştırıldı. MBL pozitif ve negatif 50?şer köken çalışmaya dahil edildi. Meropenem amikasin kombinasyon aktivitesi MBL pozitif 50 kökende E test ve dama tahtası yöntemiyle, MBL negatif 50 kökende ise dama tahtası yöntemiyle araştırıldı. Kökenlerin Vitek 2 otomatize sistemle belirlenen antimikrobiyal duyarlılıklarına göre 50 MBL pozitif kökenin %94?ünün meropeneme, %88?inin imipeneme, %40?ının amikasine dirençli olduğu tespit edildi. 50 MBL negatif kökenin ise direnç oranları meropenem için %60, imipenem için %54, amikasin için %46 olarak saptandı. E test yöntemiyle 50 MBL pozitif kökenin %76?sında aditif/indiferan, %14?ünde sinerjistik, %10?unda antagonist etkileşim saptandı. Dama tahtası yöntemiyle 50 MBL pozitif kökende %74 aditif/indiferan, %26 sinerjik ve 50 MBL negatif kökende %72 sinerjik, %28 aditif/indiferan etkileşim tespit edilmiş olup MBL pozitif ve negatif hiçbir kökende antagonist etkileşim saptanmadı. MBL pozitif kökenlerde her iki yöntem sonuçları arasında fark bulunmayarak, test sonuçları uyumlu bulundu. MBL üreten kökenlerde her iki yöntemle tespit edilen ortalama %20 sinerjik etkileşim değerlendirildiğinde, bu kökenlerin oluşturduğu infeksiyonlara karşı uygulanan tedavide bu kombinasyonun bir tercih olmayacağı düşünüldü. MBL üretmeyen Acinetobacter türlerine karşı meropenem/amikasin kombinasyonuyla tespit edilen %72 oranındaki sinerjik etkileşim dikkate alındığında MBL negatif kökenlerde bu kombinasyonla tedavide iyi sonuçlar alınabileceği ancak daha ileri klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı.
The failure in the treatment of Acinetobacter strains which are among the bacteria that cause nosocomial infections, directed clinicians to use of a combination of antibiotics indicating synergy. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the combination of meropenem and amikacin against metallo beta lactamase producing Acinetobacter strains isolated from clinical specimens which were sent to Mustafa Kemal University Hospital Microbiology Laboratory from various departments. The presence of metallo beta lactamase in strains was detected by E test method. 50 MBL positive and 50 MBL negative strains were included in the study. Activity of meropenem in combination with amikacin against 50 MBL-positive isolates was investigated by E test and the checkerboard methods, against MBL negative 50 isolates was investigated by the checkerboard method. According to antimicrobial susceptibilities of strains which were detected by Vitek 2 automated system; 94%, 88% and 40% of 50 MBL positive strains were detected as resistant to meropenem, imipenem and amikacin respectively. And 60%, 54% and 46% of 50 MBL negative strains were detected as resistant to meropenem, imipenem and amikacin respectively. Additive/indifferent, synergistic and antagonistic interactions to 76%, 14% and 10% of 50 MBL-positive strains were detected by E-test method respectively. Also additive/indifferent and synergistic interactions to 74% and 26% of 50 MBL-positive strains and synergistic, additive/indifferent interactions to 72% and 28% were determined by checkerboard method. Antagonistic interaction against none of MBL positive and negative strains were detected by checkerboard method. In MBL positive strains no difference between the results of checkerboard and E test method was found and they were found compatible for MBL positive strains. When about 20% synergistic interaction against MBL-producing strains detected by both methods were evaluated, it was thought this combination will not be a choice of therapy that use in infections caused by these strains. According to the rate of 72% synergistic interaction, it was concluded that good results can be obtained with meropenem and amikacin combination therapy against MBL non producing Acinetobacter spp. but further clinical studies are needed.
The failure in the treatment of Acinetobacter strains which are among the bacteria that cause nosocomial infections, directed clinicians to use of a combination of antibiotics indicating synergy. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the combination of meropenem and amikacin against metallo beta lactamase producing Acinetobacter strains isolated from clinical specimens which were sent to Mustafa Kemal University Hospital Microbiology Laboratory from various departments. The presence of metallo beta lactamase in strains was detected by E test method. 50 MBL positive and 50 MBL negative strains were included in the study. Activity of meropenem in combination with amikacin against 50 MBL-positive isolates was investigated by E test and the checkerboard methods, against MBL negative 50 isolates was investigated by the checkerboard method. According to antimicrobial susceptibilities of strains which were detected by Vitek 2 automated system; 94%, 88% and 40% of 50 MBL positive strains were detected as resistant to meropenem, imipenem and amikacin respectively. And 60%, 54% and 46% of 50 MBL negative strains were detected as resistant to meropenem, imipenem and amikacin respectively. Additive/indifferent, synergistic and antagonistic interactions to 76%, 14% and 10% of 50 MBL-positive strains were detected by E-test method respectively. Also additive/indifferent and synergistic interactions to 74% and 26% of 50 MBL-positive strains and synergistic, additive/indifferent interactions to 72% and 28% were determined by checkerboard method. Antagonistic interaction against none of MBL positive and negative strains were detected by checkerboard method. In MBL positive strains no difference between the results of checkerboard and E test method was found and they were found compatible for MBL positive strains. When about 20% synergistic interaction against MBL-producing strains detected by both methods were evaluated, it was thought this combination will not be a choice of therapy that use in infections caused by these strains. According to the rate of 72% synergistic interaction, it was concluded that good results can be obtained with meropenem and amikacin combination therapy against MBL non producing Acinetobacter spp. but further clinical studies are needed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mikrobiyoloji, Microbiology