Primer antifosfolipid sendromuna bağlı bilateral yaygın korio-retinal vazooklüzyonlu bir vaka

dc.contributor.authorTamer, Cengaver
dc.contributor.authorÖksüz, Hüseyin
dc.contributor.authorDoğan, Berna
dc.contributor.authorAkgül, Ferit
dc.contributor.authorKarazincir, Sinem
dc.departmentHatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractPrimer antifosfolipid sendromuna bağlı olarak bilateral yaygın korio-retinal vazooklüzif tutulum gözlenen vakanın sunumu. Yaklaşık 3 yıl önce ani olarak başlayan az görme şikayeti ile kliniğimize sevk edilen hastaya tam bir oftalmik muayeneye ek olarak, flöresein fundus anjiyografi, tam biyokimya tetkiki, immünolojik, romatolojik kan testleri ve renkli doppler incelemesi yapıldı. Primer antifosfolipid sendromu trombotik olaylara neden olarak oküler arteriyal ve venöz yapıları tutabilen bir hastalıktır.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim was to present a case of primary antiphospholipid syndrome with bilateral diffuse choroido-retinal vascular involvement. A patient with abrupt onset of low vision occured 3 years ago has been refered to our clinic for further investigation. A complete ophthalmic and fundoscopic examination together with biochemical, immunological, rheumotological blood tests and color doppler investigations were performed. The best corrected visual acuities of the 41 years old age woman were 0.05 on the right and counting fingers from 3 meters on the left eye. On her fundoscopic and flouresceine fundus angiographic examinations; Findings of leakage from optic disc, diffuse choroido-retinal vasooclusive findings and increased foveal avascular zone diameter were observed on both of her eyes which were more prominent on her left eye. The significantly reduced visual acuities were thought to be due to that diffuse vasoocclusion. Her blood tests revealed increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased level of C reactive protein, thrombocytopenia, increased anticardiolipin antibody level, and increased anti protein C antigen level. The rest of the immunological tests were within normal levels. The patient was diagnosed as primary antiphospholipid syndrome due to those findings and was administered anticoagulation treatment according to the recommendations of the cardiology clinic. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome is a disease that may cause thrombotic events with arterial and venullar involvement.en_US
dc.subjectGöz Hastalıklarıen_US
dc.titlePrimer antifosfolipid sendromuna bağlı bilateral yaygın korio-retinal vazooklüzyonlu bir vakaen_US
dc.title.alternativeA case report of bilateral diffuse choroido-retinal vasooclusion due to primary antiphospholipid syndromaen_US
