Hatay ilinde aile sağlığı merkezine başvuran nullipar gebelere verilen eğitimin doğum kaygısı ve emzirme tutumu üzerine etkisi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; doğum öncesi dönemde verilen eğitimin doğum kaygısı ve emzirme tutumu üzerine etkisini saptamaktır. Yöntem: Bu çalışma Hatay ili merkez ilçesi Antakya'da Ocak 2018- Kasım 2018 tarihleri arasında yapılan bir müdahale çalışmasıdır. Müdahale grubuna eğitim verilmiştir. Çalışmaya müdürlükten izin alınan 4 Aile Sağlığı Merkezi'ne başvuran 18 yaş ve üzeri, okuma-yazması olan gebeler dahil edildi. Anketler bireylere çalışmayla ilgili bilgi verildikten ve katılımcılardan onam alındıktan sonra katılımcıların sorulara yanıtları doğrultusunda yüz yüze görüşme yöntemi ile dolduruldu. Bu gebelerden kendisine eğitim vermemizi kabul edenlere 1,5 saat süren gebelik ve doğum içerikli eğitim ve daha sonra sms ve/veya whatsapp ile emzirme içerikli eğitim verilmiştir. Eğitim öncesi tüm gebelere sosyodemografik özellikleri ve aldıkları sağlık hizmeti özelliklerini kapsayan, tarafımızca hazırlanan 25 soruluk bir form uygulandı. Ayrıca Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği, Emzirme Özyeterlilik Ölçeği, Wijma A ölçekleri uygulandı. Eğitim sonrasında doğum ve emzirme konusunda bilgileri içeren form, Emzirme Özyeterlilik Ölçeği doğum sonrası form, LATCH ölçeği ve Wijma B ölçekleri uygulandı. Analiz için SPSS 21 paket programı kullanıldı ve p<0.05 anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. Bulgular: Anketi değerlendirmeye alınan 61 gebenin 31'ine eğitim verilmiştir. Kontrol ve müdahale grubunun ölçek skorları arasında anlamlı fark saptanmadı. Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği skoru yüksek olan gebelerin eğitime katılımları kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksekti. Mudahale grubunda doğum sonrası Wijma ölçeği skorunda kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptandı.(p<0.05). Sonuçlar: Gebelere doğum ve doğum sonu döneme yönelik endişeler konusunda sağlık personeli tarafından danışmanlık ve eğitim verilmesi, doğum ve doğum sonu için hazırlık sınıflarının oluşturularak tüm gebelerin eğitilmesi doğum kaygısı ve emzirme tutumu üzerine olumlu etki oluşturabilir.
Objective: The aim of this study is; to determine the effect of education, which given in prenatal period, on birth anxiety and breastfeeding attitude of mutter. Method: This intervention study was conducted between January 2018 and November 2018 in Antakya, the central part of Hatay. The intervention group was trained. 18 and older Pregnant women who apply 4 family health centers with permission from the health Department included in the study. The questionnaires form were filled with face-to-face interview method. Before test application, the participants were informed about the study and approval received from the participants. We give 1.5-hour training about the pregnancy and childbirth, after training pregnant women were informed about breastfeeding by sms and / or whatsapp. A 25-item form prepared by uns was applied to all pregnant women before training. The form includes questions about sociodemographic characteristics and receiving health service by pregnants. Additionally also Beck Anxiety Inventory, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale and Wijma A scales were applied. After the training, the form including information about birth and lactation, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale postpartum form, LATCH scale and Wijma B scales were applied. SPSS 21 package program was used for analysis and p <0.05 was considered significant. Results: 61 pregnant women participate to the study and 31 of them were trained. There was no significant difference between the control and intervention group scale scores. Pregnant women with a high Beck Anxiety Scale score were significantly higher than the control group about join training. In the invasting group, there was a statistically significant difference in the postpartum Wijma scale score compared to the control group (p <0.05). Conclusıons: Pregnancy and education by the health personnel and training for all pregnant women can be positively affected by birth anxiety and breastfeeding.
Objective: The aim of this study is; to determine the effect of education, which given in prenatal period, on birth anxiety and breastfeeding attitude of mutter. Method: This intervention study was conducted between January 2018 and November 2018 in Antakya, the central part of Hatay. The intervention group was trained. 18 and older Pregnant women who apply 4 family health centers with permission from the health Department included in the study. The questionnaires form were filled with face-to-face interview method. Before test application, the participants were informed about the study and approval received from the participants. We give 1.5-hour training about the pregnancy and childbirth, after training pregnant women were informed about breastfeeding by sms and / or whatsapp. A 25-item form prepared by uns was applied to all pregnant women before training. The form includes questions about sociodemographic characteristics and receiving health service by pregnants. Additionally also Beck Anxiety Inventory, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale and Wijma A scales were applied. After the training, the form including information about birth and lactation, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale postpartum form, LATCH scale and Wijma B scales were applied. SPSS 21 package program was used for analysis and p <0.05 was considered significant. Results: 61 pregnant women participate to the study and 31 of them were trained. There was no significant difference between the control and intervention group scale scores. Pregnant women with a high Beck Anxiety Scale score were significantly higher than the control group about join training. In the invasting group, there was a statistically significant difference in the postpartum Wijma scale score compared to the control group (p <0.05). Conclusıons: Pregnancy and education by the health personnel and training for all pregnant women can be positively affected by birth anxiety and breastfeeding.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aile Hekimliği, Family Medicine