Gonadal maturation and spawning in Penaeus semisulcatus de Hann, 1844 by hormone injection
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Bu çalışmada üç farklı hormon, HCG, LH-RH ve Serotonin (S-HT)'in Penaeus semisulcatus de Hann, 1844'un gonad gelişimi ve yumurtlaması üzerine etkileri iki denemede araştırılmıştır. Denemeler yuvarlak (4 m çapında) fiberglas tanklarda 50 günlük sürede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci denemede 3 farklı dozda HCG enjekte edilen [1, 2 ve 3 IU $g^{-1}$ Vücut Ağırlığı (VA)] karideslerin üreme performansı serum fizyolojik solüsyon (%0,85 NaCl) enjekte edilen grup ve göz sapı kesilen grup ile karşılaştırmıştır, ikinci denemede 3 farklı LH-RH (0,01, 0,1 ve 0,2 mg $g^{-1}$ VA) ve Serotonin (20, 50 ve 100 pg $g^{-1}$ VA) enjeksiyonu yapılan karideslerin üreme performansı serum fizyolojik solüsyon enjekte edilen grup ve gözsapı kesimi yapılan grup ile karşılaştırılmışlar. Birinci denemede kabuk değiştirme döngüsü muameleler arasında istatistik! o.larak farklılık göstermemiştir (P > 0,05). En fazla yumurtlama gözsapı kesilen gruptan elde edilmiş ve bunu sırasıyla 3 IU $g^{-1}$ (iki yumurtlama), 2 IU ve l IU $g^{-1}$ HCG enjekte edilen grup takip etmiştir. Kontrol grubu karidesleri deneme süresince yumurtlamamışlardır. ikinci denemede, kabuk değiştirme döngüsü gruplar arasında farklılık göstermemiştir (P > 0.05). Deneme süresince gözsapı kesilen karideslerden 28 yumurtlama elde edilmiş ve yumurtlamalar aynı kabuk değiştirme döngüsü içerisinde tekerrür etmiştir. Yüksek dozda (50 ve 100 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$) serotonin enjekte edilen karideslerden dört dişi, düşük dozda (20 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$) üç dişi olgunlaşıp, toplam 5 kez yumurtlamıştır. Düşük dozda (0,01 ve 0,1 mg g'1) LH-RH enjekte edilen karideslerden üç dişi, Yüksek dozda (0,2 mg $g^{-1}$) ise yalnızca bir dişi yumurtlamıştır. Bu hormonların kullanımıyla yetiştiricilik koşullarında P. semisulcatus'un olgunlaştırılıp yumurtlamaya teşvik edilebildiği görülmektedir. Bununla beraber, gözsapı kesimi halen bu türün oyunlaştırılması ve yumurtlatılması için en güvenilir tekniktir.
The effects of 3 hormones, HCG, LH-RH and serotonin (5-HT), on maturation and spawning of Penaeus semisulcatus de Hann, 1844 were investigated in 2 experiments in this study. The experiments were carried out in round (4 m diameter) fiberglass tanks for 50 days. In experiment 1, the effects of 3 dosages (1, 2 and 3 IU $g^{-1}$ body weight (BW)) of HCG were compared against a sterile vehicle solution (0.85% NaCl) injected group (control group) and an eyestalk ablated group. In experiment 2, 3 dosages of both LH-RH (0.01, 0.1 and 0.2 mg $g^{-1}$ BW) and serotonin (20, 50 and 100 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$ BW) were tested against the control (0.85% NaCl) and eyestalk ablated groups. In experiment 1, the molting interval did not vary significantly among the treatments (P > 0.05). The highest number of spawns was obtained from the ablated gro,up and this was followed by the groups injected with 3 IU $g^{-1}$ (2 spawns), 2 IU $g^{-1}$ and 1 IU $g^{-1}$ of HCG (1 spawn) respectively. The control group (injected with vehicle solution) did not spawn during the course of the experiment. In experiment 2, no significant difference was established in the molting cycle among the groups (P > 0.05). A total of 28 spawns were obtained from the eyestalk ablated group during the experiment and repeated spawns occurred within the same molting cycle. Four females injected with 50-100 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$ of serotonin matured and spawned. Again, 3 females from the group injected with 20 pg $g^{-1}$ of serotonin matured yielding a total of 5 spawns. Three females spawned in the groups that received 0.01 mg g'1 and 0.1 mg $g^{-1}$ of LH-RH. Only one female injected with 0.2 mg $g^{-1}$ of LH-RH matured and spawned during the study. It appears that maturation and spawning of P. semisulcatus can be successfully induced by injection of these hormones in captivity, though eyestalk ablation remains the most reliable technique.
The effects of 3 hormones, HCG, LH-RH and serotonin (5-HT), on maturation and spawning of Penaeus semisulcatus de Hann, 1844 were investigated in 2 experiments in this study. The experiments were carried out in round (4 m diameter) fiberglass tanks for 50 days. In experiment 1, the effects of 3 dosages (1, 2 and 3 IU $g^{-1}$ body weight (BW)) of HCG were compared against a sterile vehicle solution (0.85% NaCl) injected group (control group) and an eyestalk ablated group. In experiment 2, 3 dosages of both LH-RH (0.01, 0.1 and 0.2 mg $g^{-1}$ BW) and serotonin (20, 50 and 100 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$ BW) were tested against the control (0.85% NaCl) and eyestalk ablated groups. In experiment 1, the molting interval did not vary significantly among the treatments (P > 0.05). The highest number of spawns was obtained from the ablated gro,up and this was followed by the groups injected with 3 IU $g^{-1}$ (2 spawns), 2 IU $g^{-1}$ and 1 IU $g^{-1}$ of HCG (1 spawn) respectively. The control group (injected with vehicle solution) did not spawn during the course of the experiment. In experiment 2, no significant difference was established in the molting cycle among the groups (P > 0.05). A total of 28 spawns were obtained from the eyestalk ablated group during the experiment and repeated spawns occurred within the same molting cycle. Four females injected with 50-100 $\mu$ g $g^{-1}$ of serotonin matured and spawned. Again, 3 females from the group injected with 20 pg $g^{-1}$ of serotonin matured yielding a total of 5 spawns. Three females spawned in the groups that received 0.01 mg g'1 and 0.1 mg $g^{-1}$ of LH-RH. Only one female injected with 0.2 mg $g^{-1}$ of LH-RH matured and spawned during the study. It appears that maturation and spawning of P. semisulcatus can be successfully induced by injection of these hormones in captivity, though eyestalk ablation remains the most reliable technique.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Zoology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri