Kadına yönelik eş şiddeti, çocukluk travmaları, depresyon ve yaşam kalitesi : Toplum temelli çalışma
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada eş şiddetinin yaygınlığını, çocukluk çağı travmaları, depresyon ve sosyodemografik etkenlerle ilişkisini, kadının yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Merkez ve köylerde yaşayan, rastgele seçilen 410 kişinin verileri değerlendirildi. Katılanlara sosyodemografik veri formu, Kısa Form 36 (SF- 36), Aile İçi Şiddet Ölçeği (AİŞÖ), Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ), Çocukluk Çağı Travmaları Ölçeği (ÇÇTÖ) uygulandı. Bulgular: Katılanların 366’sı (%89.3) en az bir kez şiddet görmüştü; 309’u (%75.4) duygusal, 306’sı (%74.6) cinsel, 285’ i (%69.5) sözel, 222’si (%54.1) fiziksel, 321’ i (%78.3) ekonomik şiddete uğramıştı. BDÖ, ÇÇTÖ, eşin öğrenim durumu, eşler arası yaş farkı ve eşler arası eğitim farkının eş mağdurluğunun yordayıcısı olduğu bulundu. Kadının yaşam kalitesini yordayan etkenler açısından depresyonun önemli olduğu bulundu. Sonuç: Aile içi şiddet mağdurluğu yaygındır. BDÖ ve ÇÇTÖ, eş şiddeti mağdurluğunun ve kadın yaşam kalitesinin yordayıcılarındandır. Depresyonun tanınıp tedavi edilmesinin kadının hem eş şiddeti mağdurluğunu azaltması, hem de yaşam kalitesini yükseltmesi açısından olumlu etkisi olabilir. (Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2015; 16(5):3 14-322)
Objective: In this study our aim was to investigate the frequency of spousal violence, its relationship with childhood traumas, depression and sociodemographic factors and its effects on affected women’s life quality. Methods: Data of 410 randomly chosen people who live in the city center and nearby villages were evaluated. The sociodemographic data survey, Short Form 36 (SF- 36), Family Violence Survey (FVS), Beck Depression Scale (BDS), Childhood Trauma Scale (CTS) were applied. Results: Of the participants, 366 (89.3%) had experienced violence at least once in their lifetime. 309 (75.4%) of them were emotional, 306 (74.6%) of them were sexual, 285 (69.5%) of them were verbal, 222(54.1%) of them were physical, 321 (78.3%) of them were economical violence. Beck Depression Scale, Childhood Trauma Scale, husband’s educational level, disparity in age and education level between spouses were important for exposure to violence. Depression was an important effect on life quality of the affected women. Conclusion: Familial violence is frequent. BDS, CTS are the main predictors for spousal violence and life quality. Diagnosis and treatment of depression may help to prevent spousal violence and increase life quality. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 16(5):314-3 22)
Objective: In this study our aim was to investigate the frequency of spousal violence, its relationship with childhood traumas, depression and sociodemographic factors and its effects on affected women’s life quality. Methods: Data of 410 randomly chosen people who live in the city center and nearby villages were evaluated. The sociodemographic data survey, Short Form 36 (SF- 36), Family Violence Survey (FVS), Beck Depression Scale (BDS), Childhood Trauma Scale (CTS) were applied. Results: Of the participants, 366 (89.3%) had experienced violence at least once in their lifetime. 309 (75.4%) of them were emotional, 306 (74.6%) of them were sexual, 285 (69.5%) of them were verbal, 222(54.1%) of them were physical, 321 (78.3%) of them were economical violence. Beck Depression Scale, Childhood Trauma Scale, husband’s educational level, disparity in age and education level between spouses were important for exposure to violence. Depression was an important effect on life quality of the affected women. Conclusion: Familial violence is frequent. BDS, CTS are the main predictors for spousal violence and life quality. Diagnosis and treatment of depression may help to prevent spousal violence and increase life quality. (Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 16(5):314-3 22)
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