Diyabetik polinöropatide nöropatik ağrının tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasında yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
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Giriş ve Amaç: Diyabetik polinöropatili hastalarda nöropatik ağrının yaşam kalitesi üzerine olumsuz etkisi bilinen bir gerçektir. Hastaları günlük yaşamında fiziksel, mental ve duygusal açıdan çok yönlü olarak etkileyebilmektedir. Bu çalışma diyabetik hastalarda nöropatik ağrının tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasında yaşam kalitesi üzerine olan etkisinin karşılaştırılması amacıyla planlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya nöroloji ve endokrinoloji polikliniklerine başvuran diyabetes mellitus tanılı 60 hasta dahil edildi. Tüm katılımcılara nörofizyolojik test olarak Elektronöromiyelografi (ENMG); hemoglobin A1C ve açlık kan şekeri düzeyi kan tetkikleri, VAS, LANSS,DN4 skalaları ve SF-36 (kısa form) yaşam kalitesi ölçeği formu uygulandı. Diyabetik polinöropatili hastalarda nöropatik ağrının tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasında yaşam kalitesi üzerine olan etkisi karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Diyabetik polinöropatili toplam 60 hastanın 32 (%53,3)?si kadın, 28 (%46,7)?si erkekti. Hastaların yaş ortalaması 57,55 ± 9,61 idi. ENMG çalışmasında %80 hastada pozitif polinöropati bulguları saptandı. VAS değerleri ortalaması tedavi öncesi 6,98; tedavi sonrasında 4,78 saptandı. DN 4 skala değerlendirmesi tedavi öncesinde 5,56 iken tedavi sonrasında 3,73 idi. LANSS tedavi öncesinde ortalama 13,95; tedavi sonrasında ise 9,65 saptandı. SF 36 yaşam kalitesi ölçeği değerlendirmesinde fiziksel sağlık skorlama özeti (PCS) değerleri tedavi öncesi 39,73 ve tedavi sonrası 44,13 iken mental sağlık skorlama özeti (MCS) değerleri tedavi öncesi 39,35 tedavi sonrasında ise 44,25 olarak saptandı. Sonuçlar: Çalışmamızda diyabetik polinöropatili hastalarda nöropatik ağrının yaşam kalitesi üzerine olumsuz etkisi gösterilmiştir. Yaşam kalitesi ölçeği değerlendirmesi tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklı bulunmuştur.
The effect of Neuropathic pain on Quality of Life Before and After treatment in Diabetic Polyneuropathy Background and Aim: It is a known fact that Neuropathic pain have a negative impact on quality of life on diabetic polyneuropathy patients. This pain can affect the patients? daily life on multi way such as physical, mental and emotinal. This study was planned to compare the neuropathic pain effect on quality of life before and after treatment on diabethic patients. Materials and Metods: Sixty diabetes mellitus patients ıncluded to this study, who applied to Norology and Endocrinology out patient clinic. Neuropsychological test. Electronoromiyelography ( ENMG) , Hemoglobine A1C and fasting blood glucose level, and blood test, VAS, LANSS, DN4 scales and SF 36 ( Short form) quality of life scale was applied to all participants. The effect of neuropathic pain on quality of life before and after treatment was compared on diabetic polyneuropathy patients. Results: Total Diabetic polineuropathy patients are 60, 32 of them were female ( 53,3 % ) and 28 of them were male. (46,7 %). The average age of patients were 57,5±9,61 Electrophysiological study, 80% of patients had positive findings of polyneuropathy. The average of Pre- treatment VAS result was 6.98 and; Post- treatment was 4,78. DN4 scale rating was 5.56 before treatment, and it was 3,73after treatment. Pre- treatment LANSS average was 13,95, and it was 9,65 after treatment. SF 36?s quality of life assesment, which is about physical health summary scale (PCS): Pre- treatment Score was 39,73 and post ?treatment score was 44,13. The summary of mental health score (MCS) was 39,25 before treatment and 44,25 after treatment. Conclusions: In our study, the negative impact of neuropathic pain on quality of life in diabetic neuropathy patients are shown. Pre-treatment and post-treatment quality of life scale ratings were significantly different
The effect of Neuropathic pain on Quality of Life Before and After treatment in Diabetic Polyneuropathy Background and Aim: It is a known fact that Neuropathic pain have a negative impact on quality of life on diabetic polyneuropathy patients. This pain can affect the patients? daily life on multi way such as physical, mental and emotinal. This study was planned to compare the neuropathic pain effect on quality of life before and after treatment on diabethic patients. Materials and Metods: Sixty diabetes mellitus patients ıncluded to this study, who applied to Norology and Endocrinology out patient clinic. Neuropsychological test. Electronoromiyelography ( ENMG) , Hemoglobine A1C and fasting blood glucose level, and blood test, VAS, LANSS, DN4 scales and SF 36 ( Short form) quality of life scale was applied to all participants. The effect of neuropathic pain on quality of life before and after treatment was compared on diabetic polyneuropathy patients. Results: Total Diabetic polineuropathy patients are 60, 32 of them were female ( 53,3 % ) and 28 of them were male. (46,7 %). The average age of patients were 57,5±9,61 Electrophysiological study, 80% of patients had positive findings of polyneuropathy. The average of Pre- treatment VAS result was 6.98 and; Post- treatment was 4,78. DN4 scale rating was 5.56 before treatment, and it was 3,73after treatment. Pre- treatment LANSS average was 13,95, and it was 9,65 after treatment. SF 36?s quality of life assesment, which is about physical health summary scale (PCS): Pre- treatment Score was 39,73 and post ?treatment score was 44,13. The summary of mental health score (MCS) was 39,25 before treatment and 44,25 after treatment. Conclusions: In our study, the negative impact of neuropathic pain on quality of life in diabetic neuropathy patients are shown. Pre-treatment and post-treatment quality of life scale ratings were significantly different
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nöroloji, Neurology, Diyabetik polinöropati, nöropatik ağrı, SF-36 yaşam kalitesi ölçeği, Diabetic polineuropathy, neuropathic pain, SF-36 quality of life assesment.