Antakya'da yaygın olarak kullanılan parathion-methyl pestisitinin karaciğer hücreleri üzerine olan muhtemel neoplastik etkileri üzerine bir araştırma
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET ANTAKYA'DA YAYGIN OLARAK KULLANILAN PARATHİON- METHYL PESTİSİTİNİN KARACİĞER HÜCRELERİ ÜZERİNE OLAN MUHTEMEL NEOPLASTİK ETKİLERİ ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA Bu çalışmada, Antakya bölgesi tarım alanlarında yoğun olarak kullanılan parathion-methyl pestisitinin mutajenik ve karsinojenik etkisinin araştınlması amaçlanmış olup, bunun için Ames/Salmonella/Mikrozom test sistemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada kısa dönem in vivo deneyler için Salmonella typhimurium TA98 ve Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 suşları, uzun süreli hayvan deneyleri için ise Wistar sıçanları kullanılmıştır. Sıçanlar, her grupta 10 adet olmak üzere 2 farklı gruba (Kt-Grup 1, PMet-Grup 2) ayrılmış olup, kontol sıçanları standart sıçan yemi ile, deney grubu (PMet- Grup 2) ise beş ay süresince standart diyet içerisine her bir sıçan için 4 mg/kg/gün(Her bir sıçanın kilogramı başına 4 mg parathion-methyl, günlük yeme kariştırılmıştır.) hesabı ile parathion-methyl ilave edilerek hazırlanan diyetle beslenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular parathion-methyl pestisitmin mutajenik aktiviteye sahip olduğunu göstermiş olup, TA98 ve TA100 suşları, dönüşüm sayılan açısından farklılık göstermiştir. Bu durum parathion-methyl' in mutajenik bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu göstermekte olup, parathion-methyl'le yapılan uzun süreli in vivo hayvan deneyleri bu bulguları destekler nitelikte görülmüştür. Üç aylık bir deney süresi sonucunda deneyde kullanılan sıçanların karaciğerlerinde ve pankreaslarında yapılan patolojik incelemelerde atipik asinar hücre fokuslarına rastlanmıştır. Ancak deney süresinin sınırlı olması, herhangi bir şekilde hayvanlarda neoplastik değişimlere neden olabilecek (initiator) kimyasal maddenin kullanılmamasının atipik asinar hücre fokuslarının gelişiminin sınırlı kalmasında ana faktör olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. 2005,51 sayfa
II ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION OF THE POSSIBLE NEOPLASTIC EFFECTS ON THE LIVER OF PARATHION-METHYL PESTICIDE WHICH IS WIDELY USED IN ANTAKYA In this study, we investigated the mutagenic and carcinogenic affects of parathion-methyl which is widely used in Antakya region. We used the Ames /Salmonella / Microsome test for this purpose. For short term experiments we utilized the Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and Salmonella typhimurium TA 100. For long term experiments we utilized male Winstar rats. Rats were divided into two different groups each including 10 rats. Groups were marked as Kt-Group 1 (control) and PMet-group 2 (Parathion methyl exposed). The control group (Group-1) were fed with a standard diet and Pmet rats (Group 2) was fed with a diet containing parathion-methyl at a concentration of 4 mg/kg of rat diet. Our results from Ames test for parathion-methyl showed that this pesticide displays mutagenic effects. This conclusion was inferred not only from the results of short term experiments but also from the results of long term experiments with rats. At the end of a 3 months, period of parathion-methyl exposure rat tissues were investigated pathologically and atypic acinar cell focuses were determined in the the liver and in the pancreas of the rats. Our experiments were time limited and in no way we used an initiator that will induce neoplastic changes thus we concluded that this was the main reason for the limited devolopment of atypic acinar cell focuses. 2005,51 pages
II ABSTRACT AN INVESTIGATION OF THE POSSIBLE NEOPLASTIC EFFECTS ON THE LIVER OF PARATHION-METHYL PESTICIDE WHICH IS WIDELY USED IN ANTAKYA In this study, we investigated the mutagenic and carcinogenic affects of parathion-methyl which is widely used in Antakya region. We used the Ames /Salmonella / Microsome test for this purpose. For short term experiments we utilized the Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and Salmonella typhimurium TA 100. For long term experiments we utilized male Winstar rats. Rats were divided into two different groups each including 10 rats. Groups were marked as Kt-Group 1 (control) and PMet-group 2 (Parathion methyl exposed). The control group (Group-1) were fed with a standard diet and Pmet rats (Group 2) was fed with a diet containing parathion-methyl at a concentration of 4 mg/kg of rat diet. Our results from Ames test for parathion-methyl showed that this pesticide displays mutagenic effects. This conclusion was inferred not only from the results of short term experiments but also from the results of long term experiments with rats. At the end of a 3 months, period of parathion-methyl exposure rat tissues were investigated pathologically and atypic acinar cell focuses were determined in the the liver and in the pancreas of the rats. Our experiments were time limited and in no way we used an initiator that will induce neoplastic changes thus we concluded that this was the main reason for the limited devolopment of atypic acinar cell focuses. 2005,51 pages
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, AAHF, Ames testi, karsinogenesiz, parathion-methyl, sıçan, AACF, Ames test, carcinogenesis, parathion-methyl, rat