Tüberkülin cilt testi uygulanması ve yorumlanması
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Tüberkülin cilt testi, kişinin tüberküloz basili ile enfekte olup olmadığını gösterir, hastalık hakkında bilgi vermez. Hastalık tanısında dolaylı olarak yardımcı olabilir. Tüberküloz bilinen çok eski bir hastalık olmasına karşın morbidite, mortalite ve ekonomik etkileri nedeniyle hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmek- te olan ülkelerde halen önemli bir sağlık problemi olmaya devam etmektedir. Tüberkülozun patofizyolojisi kompli- kedir. Enfeksiyon ve hastalık arasında gecikme olması da olayları daha belirsiz hale getirir. Aktif akciğer tüberkülozu olan hastalar asemptomatik olabilir, hafif orta düzeyde kuru öksürüğü olabilir veya ateş, halsizlik, göğüs ağrısı, nefes dar- lığı, kilo kaybı, gece terlemeleri ve kanlı balgam çıkarılan ök- sürük gibi bir semptomla karşımıza çıkabilir. Tüberküloz için tam bir değerlendirme öykü, göğüs filmi, fizik muayene, tü- berkülin cilt testi, mikrobiyolojik yaymalar ve kültürleri içer- melidir. Erken tanı ve tedavi mortalite ve morbiditeyi önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Bu yavaş üreyen mikroorganizmanın kısıtlı sayıda hastada balgamda saptanabilmesi ve kültürün- deki zorluklar nedeniyle tanısı zor bir hastalıktır.
Tuberculin skin test indicates whether or not the individual is in- fected by tuberculosis bacillus, but it does not provide informa- tion about the disease. It may be indirectly helpful in diagnosis of the disease. Although tuberculosis is a known very old disease, it still continues to be an important health issue in both developed and developing countries because of its morbidity, mortality, and economic effects. The pathophysiology of tuberculosis is complicated. The existence of a delay between the infection and disease also makes events more uncertain. Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis may be asymptomatic, may have slight mild-level dry cough, or may present symptoms such as fever, as- thenia, chest pain, dyspnea, weight loss, night sweats, and cough excreting bloody pituitary. A complete evaluation for tuberculo- sis should include a medical history, chest X-ray, physical exami- nation, tuberculin skin test, microbiological smears, and cultures. Early diagnosis and treatment significantly decrease mortality and morbidity. It is a disease difficult to diagnose since this slowly reproducing microorganism can be determined in pituitary of the patient in a limited number and due to difficulties in the culture.
Tuberculin skin test indicates whether or not the individual is in- fected by tuberculosis bacillus, but it does not provide informa- tion about the disease. It may be indirectly helpful in diagnosis of the disease. Although tuberculosis is a known very old disease, it still continues to be an important health issue in both developed and developing countries because of its morbidity, mortality, and economic effects. The pathophysiology of tuberculosis is complicated. The existence of a delay between the infection and disease also makes events more uncertain. Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis may be asymptomatic, may have slight mild-level dry cough, or may present symptoms such as fever, as- thenia, chest pain, dyspnea, weight loss, night sweats, and cough excreting bloody pituitary. A complete evaluation for tuberculo- sis should include a medical history, chest X-ray, physical exami- nation, tuberculin skin test, microbiological smears, and cultures. Early diagnosis and treatment significantly decrease mortality and morbidity. It is a disease difficult to diagnose since this slowly reproducing microorganism can be determined in pituitary of the patient in a limited number and due to difficulties in the culture.
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