Determination of egg quality characteristics of different poultry species with digital image analysis
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Bu çalışma, farklı kanatlı türlerinde yumurta kalite özelliklerinin sayısal görüntü analizi ile belirlenebilmesinin araştırılması amacıyla yürütüldü. Çalışmada bıldırcın (Coturnix coturnix japonica), kaya keklik (Alectoris graeca), halkalı sülün (Phasianus colchicus) ve tavuk (Denizli x Leghorn) türlerine ait yumurtalar kullanıldı. Yumurta kalite özelliklerine ait değerler klasik metot ve sayısal görüntü analizi metotlarıyla belirlendi. Sayısal görüntü analizi ile yumurta boyu, yumurta eni ve şekil endeksine ait değerler bütün yumurtalarda klasik metot değerine genel olarak %98.44-98.54 oranları arasında yakın saptandı. İç kalite özelliklerinden ak yükseklik (%32.24) ve sarı çapı (%13.44) değerleri sayısal görüntü analizi ile klasik metottan yüksek hata oranında belirlendi. Sonuç olarak sayısal görüntü analiz metoduyla ölçüm skalasına sahip düzenekler ve referans noktasına sahip görüntüler kullanılarak yumurta kalite özellik değerlerinin klasik metoda oldukça yakın olarak belirlenebileceği ortaya konuldu.
The present study was aimed at the investigation of egg quality characteristics of different poultry species by digital image analysis. The material of the study was comprised of eggs of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), rock partridge (Alectoris graeca), ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and cross-chickens (Denizli x Leghorn F1). Values pertaining to egg quality characteristics were obtained using the conventional method and digital image analysis. Egg length, egg width and shape index values measured by digital image analysis were shown to correspond closely with values measured using the conventional method, within an accuracy range of 98.44-98.54%. As regards internal egg quality characteristics, high error rates were determined for albumen height (32.24%) and yolk diameter (13.44%) values measured by digital image analysis, in comparison to values obtained with the conventional method. In result, it was demonstrated that egg quality characteristics could be determined by digital image analysis, in close correspondence with the conventional method, provided that devices equipped with measurement scales and images with reference points are used.
The present study was aimed at the investigation of egg quality characteristics of different poultry species by digital image analysis. The material of the study was comprised of eggs of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), rock partridge (Alectoris graeca), ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and cross-chickens (Denizli x Leghorn F1). Values pertaining to egg quality characteristics were obtained using the conventional method and digital image analysis. Egg length, egg width and shape index values measured by digital image analysis were shown to correspond closely with values measured using the conventional method, within an accuracy range of 98.44-98.54%. As regards internal egg quality characteristics, high error rates were determined for albumen height (32.24%) and yolk diameter (13.44%) values measured by digital image analysis, in comparison to values obtained with the conventional method. In result, it was demonstrated that egg quality characteristics could be determined by digital image analysis, in close correspondence with the conventional method, provided that devices equipped with measurement scales and images with reference points are used.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri