Evlilik içi cinsel saldırı olgularını ruhsal bulgular olmadan tespit etmek mümkün mü ?
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Amaç: Ülkemiz hukuk siteminde eşlerin birbirlerine karşı cinsel davranışlarının suç teşkil edip edemeyeceği hususu uzun yıllar tartışma konusu olmuştur. 01.06.2005 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren Türk Ceza Kanunu'nu ile eşe karşı cinsel saldırı suç olarak kabul edilmiştir. Ancak Türk Ceza Kanunu'nda yapılan değişiklik ile ruhsal değerlendirmenin geri plana itildiği düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada evlilik içi cinsel saldırı olguları değerlendirilmesi, ruhsal bulguların öneminin anlaşılması ve sunulması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntem: 2011-2016 yılları arasındaki 6 yıllık dönemde Eskişehir Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğü'ne müracaat eden, evlilik içi cinsel saldırı olguları çalışma kapsamına alındı. Ruhsal değerlendirme bulgularının önemi anlaşılmaya çalışıldı.Bulgular: 6 yılık dönemde 27 evlilik içi cinsel saldırı olgusu müracaat etmiştir. Mağdurların % 48,2'sinin 17-24 yaş grubunda olduğu, yalnızca 2 olgunun (% 7,4) yüksek öğrenim mezunu olduğu belirlendi. Kanun değişikliği sonrasında sadece 1 olgunun müracaat ettiği saptandı. Olguların yalnızca 9'unda (% 33,3) fizik veya genital muayene ile bulgu elde edildi Ruhsal değerlendirmeler sonucu olguların tümünde, cinsel saldırı ile ilişkili ruhsal bulgular saptandı. Ruhsal bulgular olmadan olguların 3' te 2'sinde herhangi bir delil saptanamayacağı ve dolayısıyla dava açılamayacağı tespit edildi. Sonuç: Ruhsal değerlendirme bulgularının olmadığı cinsel saldırı muayenesinin eksik olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu nedenle ilgili kanun maddesinin yeniden düzenlenmesi gerekmektedir. Ruhsal değerlendirme bulguları, cinsel saldırı için tanı koydurucu olarak kabul edilmeli ve kanun maddesinde açıkça belirtilmelidir. Tüm şehirlerde gerek çocuklar ve gerekse erişkinler için adli tıp ve psikiyatri uzmanlarının birlikte çalışabileceği birimler acilen kurulmalıdır
Objective: Whether spousal rape is a misconduct or not has been a controversial topic for a long time in the jurisdictional system of our country. Sexual assault against one's spouse has been declared as a criminal act by the change in the Turkish Criminal Code on 1st June 2005. However, we think that psychiatric evaluation of the victim has been ignored by the change in the related penal code in 2014. In this study our aim is to evaluate sexual assaults in marriage and understand and present the importance of psychological findings.Materials and Methods: Data of the sexual assault cases by one's spouse during the six years period between 2011 and 2016 who were evaluated by Eskişehir Office of Council of Forensic Medicine were analyzed with their psychiatric evaluation findings.Results: In 6 years 27 spousal rape victims were evaluated. Among them, 48.2 % were in the 17 to 24 years' age group. Only two (7.4 %) had a university degree. Only one case was evaluated after the Turkish Criminal Code has changed. In only 9 (%33.3) cases, findings of the assault were observed by physical and genital examination. By psychiatric evaluation, psychiatric findings related to sexual assault has been determined in all cases. It is determined that without psychiatric evaluation, in the two third of cases no evidence would be obtained and therefore no prosecution could be conducted.Conclusion: Without psychological findings, the sexual assault evaluation is incomplete. Therefore, the related article of penal code needs regulation. The psychiatric findings should be considered as evidence in sexual assault cases and this must be clearly defined in the Criminal Code. Units both for children and adolescents should be established in all cities immediately, in which the psychiatrists and forensic medicine specialists could work together
Objective: Whether spousal rape is a misconduct or not has been a controversial topic for a long time in the jurisdictional system of our country. Sexual assault against one's spouse has been declared as a criminal act by the change in the Turkish Criminal Code on 1st June 2005. However, we think that psychiatric evaluation of the victim has been ignored by the change in the related penal code in 2014. In this study our aim is to evaluate sexual assaults in marriage and understand and present the importance of psychological findings.Materials and Methods: Data of the sexual assault cases by one's spouse during the six years period between 2011 and 2016 who were evaluated by Eskişehir Office of Council of Forensic Medicine were analyzed with their psychiatric evaluation findings.Results: In 6 years 27 spousal rape victims were evaluated. Among them, 48.2 % were in the 17 to 24 years' age group. Only two (7.4 %) had a university degree. Only one case was evaluated after the Turkish Criminal Code has changed. In only 9 (%33.3) cases, findings of the assault were observed by physical and genital examination. By psychiatric evaluation, psychiatric findings related to sexual assault has been determined in all cases. It is determined that without psychiatric evaluation, in the two third of cases no evidence would be obtained and therefore no prosecution could be conducted.Conclusion: Without psychological findings, the sexual assault evaluation is incomplete. Therefore, the related article of penal code needs regulation. The psychiatric findings should be considered as evidence in sexual assault cases and this must be clearly defined in the Criminal Code. Units both for children and adolescents should be established in all cities immediately, in which the psychiatrists and forensic medicine specialists could work together
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