Investigation of ACE genome insertion/deletion correlation with immunohistochemical profile in pituitary adenomas
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AMAÇ: Anjiotensin Converting Enzim (ACE) genindeki bir delesyon Anjiotensin 2 de bir artış sağlayarak çeşitli organlarda neoplastik gelişmelere neden olur. Biz bu çalışmada hipofiz adenomlu hastalarda ACE geninde insersiyon /delesyon polimorfizmini belirleyerek kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışmaya hipofiz adenomu nedeniyle opere edilen hastaların hem tümör dokusundan hemde venöz kandan Miller metodu kulanarak örnekler alındı ve DNA ları izole edildi. Sekans çalışması için 17q 23 deki ACE geninin intron 16 bölgesi hedef seçildi. DNA örnekleri için,HACE 3s, HACE 3as primerleri PCR da kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Opere edilen 21 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışma grubunda hastaların %44 de D/D alleli, %33 de I/D alleli, %23 de I/I alleli tanımlandı.Tüm çalışma grubunda %60 oranında D alleli tanımlandı. İmmünohistokimyasal profile göre ise Cushing adenomunda %100 oranında D/D polimorfizmi görüldü. SONUÇ: Kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında özellikle Grade 3-4 olan hipofiz adenomlu hastalarda yüksek oranda ACE geninde delesyon varlığı hipofiz adenomu gelişiminde ACE geninin bir risk faktörü olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.
AIM: The deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genome causes neoplastic development in several organs by increasing the angiotensin 2 (A2) formation. In this study, we aimed to identify the ACE genome insertion/deletion polymorphism in pituitary adenomas and to compare it with the control group. MATERIAL and METHODS: Patients operated for pituitary adenomas were included in the study. Genomic DNA was extracted from tumoral tissues and peripheral blood samples of the patients by using the Miller method. Primary sequence was selected via targeting the polymorphic region of intron 16 of ACE genome 17q23. DNA samples were multiplied by PCR using HACE3s and HACE3as primers. results: Twenty-one operated cases were studied. In the study group; 44 % of the patients were identified as D/D, 33% of them as I/D and 23% of them as I/I. In 60%, D allele was identified. According to immunohistochemical investigation, we found that 100% of the patients with Cushing adenoma were D/D alleles. CONCLUSION: Presence of high rate of ACE genome deletion in patients with pituitary adenoma and grade 3-4 patients suggest that ACE genome polymorphism can be a risk factor for the development of pituitary adenomas.
AIM: The deletion polymorphism of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genome causes neoplastic development in several organs by increasing the angiotensin 2 (A2) formation. In this study, we aimed to identify the ACE genome insertion/deletion polymorphism in pituitary adenomas and to compare it with the control group. MATERIAL and METHODS: Patients operated for pituitary adenomas were included in the study. Genomic DNA was extracted from tumoral tissues and peripheral blood samples of the patients by using the Miller method. Primary sequence was selected via targeting the polymorphic region of intron 16 of ACE genome 17q23. DNA samples were multiplied by PCR using HACE3s and HACE3as primers. results: Twenty-one operated cases were studied. In the study group; 44 % of the patients were identified as D/D, 33% of them as I/D and 23% of them as I/I. In 60%, D allele was identified. According to immunohistochemical investigation, we found that 100% of the patients with Cushing adenoma were D/D alleles. CONCLUSION: Presence of high rate of ACE genome deletion in patients with pituitary adenoma and grade 3-4 patients suggest that ACE genome polymorphism can be a risk factor for the development of pituitary adenomas.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Neurosurgery
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri