Subklinik mastitisli ineklerde süt ve süt hücrelerinde vitamin C düzeyleri
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Çalışma, subklinik mastitisli ineklerde süt ve süt hücrelerinde Vitamin C düzeylerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Süt örneklerinde somatik hücre sayımı yapıldı ve örnekler kontrol (1-87 x 1000 hücre), mastitli 1. grup (154-380 x 1000 hücre), 2. grup (418-812 x 1000 hücre), 3. grup (914-1928 x 1000 hücre) ve 4. grup (2614-8050 x 1000 hücre) olacak şekilde gruplandırıldı (n=12). Süt hücrelerinde ve süt serumunda (yağı ve hücreleri alınmış) Vitamin C düzeyleri belirlendi ve Vitamin C ve süt somatik hücre sayısı arasındaki korelasyonlar hesaplandı. Ayrıca alınan süt numunelerinden mikrobiyolojik ekim yapılarak, etken izolasyonu ve identifikasyonu yapıldı. Subklinik mastitisli sütlerde (1, 2, 3, ve 4. gruplar) µg/106 hücredeki Vitamin C düzeyleri kontrol grubundan düşük olarak bulunurken (p<0,001), süt hücresi Vitamin C düzeyleri ile süt somatik hücre sayısı arasında pozitif bir korelasyon belirlendi (r=0,469, p<0,001 n=60). Süt serumu sonuçları ele alındığında mastitli 4. grup Vitamin C düzeyleri diğer mastit gruplarına (p<0,05) ve kontrol grubuna (p>0,05) göre düşük olduğu görüldü. Ayrıca süt serumu Vitamin C düzeyleri ile süt somatik hücreleri arasında negatif bir korelasyon saptandı (r=-0,420, p<0,01 n=60). Sonuç olarak subklinik mastitisin derecesi ile ilgili olarak somatik hücre sayısının arttığı, süt serumu Vitamin C düzeylerinin düştüğü, birim hücre başına düşen Vitamin C düzeylerinin azaldığı, Vitamin C düzeyleri ile mastit arasında bir bağıntının olduğu belirlendi.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of Vit C in milk and milk cells of subclinical mastitic cows. Somatic cell count was determined in the quarter milk samples of all animals and the groups were scored control (1-87 x 1000 cells), mastitic 1st group (154-380 x 1000 cells), 2nd group (418-812 x 1000 cells), 3rd group (914-1928 x 1000 cells) and 5th group (2614-8050 x 1000 cells) (n=12). Milk serum and milk cell Vitamin C levels were determined and the correlation between Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count were evaluated. Also microbiological diagnosis was conducted. In subclinical mastitic milks, Vitamin C levels (µg/106 cell) were lower compared to control group (p<0,001) and positive correlation was determined between milk cell Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count (r=0,469, p<0,001 n=60). As regards milk serum, Vitamin C levels were lower in the 5th group compared to the other mastitic (p<0,05) and control groups (p>0,05). There was a negative correlation between milk serum Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count (r=-0,420, p<0,01 n=60). In conclusion, it was found that somatic cell count was elevated with the mastitis levels, gradually, Vitamin C levels per cell and in milk serum decreased in mastitis. It is also found that there was a correlation between Vitamin C levels and mastitis.
In this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of Vit C in milk and milk cells of subclinical mastitic cows. Somatic cell count was determined in the quarter milk samples of all animals and the groups were scored control (1-87 x 1000 cells), mastitic 1st group (154-380 x 1000 cells), 2nd group (418-812 x 1000 cells), 3rd group (914-1928 x 1000 cells) and 5th group (2614-8050 x 1000 cells) (n=12). Milk serum and milk cell Vitamin C levels were determined and the correlation between Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count were evaluated. Also microbiological diagnosis was conducted. In subclinical mastitic milks, Vitamin C levels (µg/106 cell) were lower compared to control group (p<0,001) and positive correlation was determined between milk cell Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count (r=0,469, p<0,001 n=60). As regards milk serum, Vitamin C levels were lower in the 5th group compared to the other mastitic (p<0,05) and control groups (p>0,05). There was a negative correlation between milk serum Vitamin C levels and somatic cell count (r=-0,420, p<0,01 n=60). In conclusion, it was found that somatic cell count was elevated with the mastitis levels, gradually, Vitamin C levels per cell and in milk serum decreased in mastitis. It is also found that there was a correlation between Vitamin C levels and mastitis.
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Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi
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