The relationship between atrial electromechanical delay and P-wave dispersion with the presence and severity of metabolic syndrome
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada, atriyum içi ve atriyumlar arası elektromekanik gecikme (AEMG) ve P dalga dispersiyonu (PDD) ile metabolik sendrom (MetS) varlığı ve şiddeti arasındaki ilişki incelendi. Çalışma planı: Çalışmaya MetS olan (n=72) ve olmayan (kontrol grubu, n=72) toplam 144 hasta alındı. MetS ciddiyetinin belirlenmesi için hastalar MetS ölçütlerinin sayısına göre üç gruba ayrıldı: Grup 1 (üç ölçütlü hastalar), Grup 2 (dört ölçütlü hastalar) ve Grup 3 (beş ölçütlü hastalar). Hastaların 12 derivasyonlu elekrokardiyografilerinden PDD ve doku Doppler parametrelerinden kulakçıklar arası ve kulakçıklar içi AEMG hesaplandı. Bulgular: Kulakçılar arası AEMG (22.9±15 ve 11.5±14, p<0.001) ve kulakçık içi AEMG değerleri (23.6±12 ve 8.3±19, p<0.001) MetS’li hastalarda, kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak daha uzun bulundu. Benzer şekilde, PDD değerleri kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırıldığında MetS’li hastalarda anlamlı olarak daha uzun bulundu (49±25 ve 36±24, p=0.001). Ancak, kulakçıklar arası ve içi AEMG ve PDD’nin MetS şiddeti ile ilişkisi gösterilemedi. Korelasyon analizinde, atriyumlar arası AEMG ve atriyum içi AEMG daha çok sol ventrikül kitle indeksi ve sol atriyum hacim indeksi ile, P dalga dispersiyonu ise daha çok mitral Doppler parametreleri ile ilişkili bulundu. Çoklu değişken analizi sonucu, atriyumlar arası AEMD için, HDL-K, sistolik ve diyastolik kan basıncı bağımsız öngördürücüler olarak bulunurken; E/A ve LDL için bu değerler istatistiksel anlamlılık sınırında kaldı. Kulakçık içi AEMD için ise sistolik ve diyastolik kan basıncı, beden kitle indeksi ve E/A bağımsız öngördürücüler olarak bulundu. Sonuç: MetS’li hastalarda kulakçıklar arası ve kulakçık içi AEMG ve PDD, kontrol grubuna kıyasla daha uzundur. Fakat bu uzamanın MetS ciddiyeti ile ilişkisi yoktur.
Objectives: In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between the presence and severity of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with intra- and inter-atrial electromechanical delay (AEMD) and P-wave dispersion (PWD). Study design: A total of 144 patients (72 MetS patients and 72 age- and sex-matched control subjects) were included in the study. Patients with MetS were classified into three groups based on the number of MetS criteria as follows: Group 1 (patients with three MetS criteria), Group 2 (patients with four MetS criteria) and Group 3 (patients with five MetS criteria). Intra- and inter-AEMD were measured from parameters of tissue Doppler imaging. PWD was calculated from the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Results: Both inter-AEMD (22.9±15 vs. 11.5±14, p<0.001) and intra-AEMD (23.6±12 vs. 8.3±19, p<0.001) were found to be significantly longer in patients with MetS than the control group. Similarly, PWD (49±25 vs. 36±24, p=0.001) were found to be significantly longer in the MetS patients than the controls. However, both inter-AEMD and intra-AEMD and P wave measurements were not found to be associated with the severity of MetS. While inter and intra-AEMD were better correlated with LV mass index and LA volume index, PWD correlated better with mitral inflow Doppler parameters. According to multivariate analyses, inter-AEMD, HDL-C, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were found to be independent predictors, whereas E/A and LDL-C had borderline significance. For the intra-AEMD, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index and E/A were found to be independent predictors. Conclusion: In patients with MetS, inter- and intra-AEMD, and P dispersion were found to be lengthened when compared with the controls. However, these parameters were not associated with the severity of MetS.
Objectives: In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between the presence and severity of metabolic syndrome (MetS) with intra- and inter-atrial electromechanical delay (AEMD) and P-wave dispersion (PWD). Study design: A total of 144 patients (72 MetS patients and 72 age- and sex-matched control subjects) were included in the study. Patients with MetS were classified into three groups based on the number of MetS criteria as follows: Group 1 (patients with three MetS criteria), Group 2 (patients with four MetS criteria) and Group 3 (patients with five MetS criteria). Intra- and inter-AEMD were measured from parameters of tissue Doppler imaging. PWD was calculated from the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Results: Both inter-AEMD (22.9±15 vs. 11.5±14, p<0.001) and intra-AEMD (23.6±12 vs. 8.3±19, p<0.001) were found to be significantly longer in patients with MetS than the control group. Similarly, PWD (49±25 vs. 36±24, p=0.001) were found to be significantly longer in the MetS patients than the controls. However, both inter-AEMD and intra-AEMD and P wave measurements were not found to be associated with the severity of MetS. While inter and intra-AEMD were better correlated with LV mass index and LA volume index, PWD correlated better with mitral inflow Doppler parameters. According to multivariate analyses, inter-AEMD, HDL-C, and systolic and diastolic blood pressure were found to be independent predictors, whereas E/A and LDL-C had borderline significance. For the intra-AEMD, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index and E/A were found to be independent predictors. Conclusion: In patients with MetS, inter- and intra-AEMD, and P dispersion were found to be lengthened when compared with the controls. However, these parameters were not associated with the severity of MetS.
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