Sigaranın akciğer epitel hücrelerinde neden olduğu oksidatif ve yangısal hasar üzerine likopen tedavisinin etkileri
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Kronik Obstrüktif Akciğer Hastalığı (KOAH) insanlarda dünya genelinde ölümlerin başlıca yaygın nedenleri arasında beşinci sırada yer alır. Hastalığın başlıca nedenleri arasında sigara kullanımı ve mesleki zararlı gazlar olup hastalık kronik, ilerleyici ve geri dönüşümsüzdür. Bu araştırmada sigara dumanına maruz bırakılan akciğer epitel hücrelerinde (A549) gelişen hücre kayıpları, oksidatif stres ve yangı üzerine likopen kullanımının etkinliği araştırıldı. Sigara dumanı ile doyurulan sıvı besi yeri ile 3 saat inkübasyona maruz bırakılan hücrelerin % 46'sının canlılığını kaybettiği tespit edildi. Ancak medyuma 100 ng/ml düzeyinde likopen ilavesi sigaranın neden olduğu hücre ölümlerini yaklaşık % 30'unu engelledi (p<0,005). Sigara duman içeriği hücrelerde nitrik oksit üretimini iNOS ekspresyonu üzerinden arttırdı, likopen uygulaması ise bu üretimi belirgin düzeyde azalttı (p?0,001). Sigara lipidlerde peroksidasyonu arttırarak MDA düzeyini arttırırken (p<0,001), likopen peroksidasyonu önemli düzeyde düşürdü (p<0,001). Sigara, hücre içi antioksidan moleküllerden glutatyon konsantrasyonu (p<0,005), katalaz (p<0,001) ve total antioksidan kapasiteyi baskılarken, likopen bu parametrelerde koruyucu etki gösterdi. Diğer taraftan sigara total oksidan kapasiteyi yükseltirken, likopen bunun üzerine olumlu etki gösterdi. Kronik inflamasyon (yangı) dokularda çeşitli derecelerde hasarlara yol açabilir. Hücrelerin sigara duman içeriğine maruz bırakılması, yangısal prostaglandin sentezleyen siklooksijenaz-2 enzim ekspresyonu ile interferon gama, tümör nekroz faktör-alfa ve interlökin-1 beta transkripsiyon düzeylerini sırasıyla 12, 4, 6 ve 7 misli arttırarak yangıya neden olduğu saptandı. Bununla birlikte, likopen tedavisi bu artışları büyük oranlarda baskılayarak anti-enflamatuar etkili olduğunu ortaya koydu. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre, likopenin akciğer epitel hücrelerinde sigaranın neden olduğu oksidatif stres, yangı ve toksik etkileri önemli düzeylerdegeriletebildiği ortaya çıkarıldı. In vitro çalışmanın in vivo araştırmalar ile desteklenmesi ve tedavi edici etki mekanizmalarının ileri teknikler ile analiz edilmesi faydalı olacaktır.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fifth leading death problem for the human in the world. COPD is a progressive and chronic disease and the main causative factors are cigarette smoke and occupational exposure to fumes, chemicals and dusts. The smoke contains enormous amounts of reactive free radicals which can cause formation of chain reactions and inflammation in the lungs. In the present study, the lung epithelial cells (A549) were exposed to cigarette smoke using smoke contained medium for 3 hours with and without 100 ng/ml lycopene. It was found that smoke exposure killed about 46 % of the cells at the end of 3 h incubation (p<0,001). Addition of lycopene has reversed approximately 30 % of smoke damage which demonstrates the protection role of this agent (p<0,005). It was detected that cigarette smoke caused to significant increase in nitric oxide production. However, lycopene treatment decreased cigarette induced NO production (p? 0,001). Lycopene application did decrease cigarette smoke caused lipid peroxidation (p<0,001). Depressed antioxidants such as glutathione level, catalase activity and total antioxidant capacity induced by cigarette smoke (p<0,005), significantly reversed by lycopene treatments. Chronic inflammation can cause severe damage to body cell and organs. Cigarette smoke exposure induced prostaglandin producing enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme, and selected cytokines such as IFN-?, TNF-?, and IL-1ß mRNA expressions by 12, 4, 6 and 7-folds, respectively. But, lycopene treatments significantly decreased these cytokine levels demonstrating its anti-inflammatory effects. As a result of this study, it was shown that lycopene treatment has a potential affects against cigarette smoke induced cell toxicity, oxidative stress and inflammatory events. It was concluded that complementary in vivo study should be carried out with advanced technologies.Key words: COPD, lycopene, lung, oxidative stress, inflammation
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fifth leading death problem for the human in the world. COPD is a progressive and chronic disease and the main causative factors are cigarette smoke and occupational exposure to fumes, chemicals and dusts. The smoke contains enormous amounts of reactive free radicals which can cause formation of chain reactions and inflammation in the lungs. In the present study, the lung epithelial cells (A549) were exposed to cigarette smoke using smoke contained medium for 3 hours with and without 100 ng/ml lycopene. It was found that smoke exposure killed about 46 % of the cells at the end of 3 h incubation (p<0,001). Addition of lycopene has reversed approximately 30 % of smoke damage which demonstrates the protection role of this agent (p<0,005). It was detected that cigarette smoke caused to significant increase in nitric oxide production. However, lycopene treatment decreased cigarette induced NO production (p? 0,001). Lycopene application did decrease cigarette smoke caused lipid peroxidation (p<0,001). Depressed antioxidants such as glutathione level, catalase activity and total antioxidant capacity induced by cigarette smoke (p<0,005), significantly reversed by lycopene treatments. Chronic inflammation can cause severe damage to body cell and organs. Cigarette smoke exposure induced prostaglandin producing enzyme cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme, and selected cytokines such as IFN-?, TNF-?, and IL-1ß mRNA expressions by 12, 4, 6 and 7-folds, respectively. But, lycopene treatments significantly decreased these cytokine levels demonstrating its anti-inflammatory effects. As a result of this study, it was shown that lycopene treatment has a potential affects against cigarette smoke induced cell toxicity, oxidative stress and inflammatory events. It was concluded that complementary in vivo study should be carried out with advanced technologies.Key words: COPD, lycopene, lung, oxidative stress, inflammation
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veteriner Hekimliği, Veterinary Medicine, KOAH, likopen, akciğer, oksidatif stres, yangı