Kolon yangısı ve ülseri bulunan köpeklerin radyolojik, elektrokardiyografik ve laboratuvar bulguları ile değerlendirilmesi
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Bu çalışmada, kolon yangısı ve ülseri şüphesi bulunan 16 köpekte tanı amacıyla klinik, radyografik, laboratuvar ve elektrokardiyografik muayeneler yapıldı. Anamnez ve klinik muayenelerde, bütün köpeklerde orta derecede kanlı ve mukuslu ishal belirlendi. Defekasyondan sonra tenesmus, orta derecede kilo kaybı ve anemi yaygın gözlenen bulgulardı. Abdominal palpasyonda kalın bağırsağın kalınlaştığı saptandı. Kan serumunun biyokimyasal analizlerinde potasyum seviyesinin arttığı, sodyum ve total protein seviyelerinin azaldığı belirlendi. Kontrast radyografik muayenede; kolon duvarında kalınlaşma, stenozis, dilatasyon ve kısalma ile kolonun normal şeklinin değiştiği gözlendi. Mikrobiyolojik incelemede köpeklerin sekizinin gaitasında Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringensve Escherichia coli etkenleri izole edildi. Elektrokardiyogramda (EKG) bütün köpeklerde tipik olarak T dalgasında sivrilme, iki köpekte P dalgasında düzleşme ve dört köpekte P-R ve Q-T aralığında uzama ve sadece bir köpekte QRS'de genişleme ve bradikardi belirlendi. Bu çalışma ile, köpeklerde kolon yangısı ve ülserinin tanısında radyolojik, elektrokardiyografik ve laboratuvar bulguları ile klinik bulguların birlikte değerlendirilmesinin önemli olduğu sonucuna varıldı.
Sixteen dogs with suspected colitis and ulcerative colitis were examined by clinical, radiographie, laboratory and electrocardiographic means from a diagnostic perspective. In the history and clinical examination, mild diarrheic feces mixed with uncoagulated blood and mucus were determined in all dogs. Tenesmus after defecation, mild weight loss and anemia were common observations. Abdominal palpation revealed a palpable thickened large intestine. Biochemical analyses of blood serums showed that potassium levels were increased, and sodium and total protein levels were decreased. A contrast radiographie examination showed that colon walls were thickened; stenosis, dilatation and shortening of the colons had occurred; and the normal shape of the colons had changed. In microbiologie investigations, in eight dogs' feces, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli were isolated. In electrocardiograms, there were typically large peaked T waves in all dogs and flattened P waves in only two dogs. P-R and Q-T intervals were prolonged in four dogs and in only one dog widened QRS and bradycardia were present.In conclusion, it is important to evaluate the clinical signs with radiologie, electrocardiographic and laboratory findings when diagnosing colitis and ulcerative colitis in dogs.
Sixteen dogs with suspected colitis and ulcerative colitis were examined by clinical, radiographie, laboratory and electrocardiographic means from a diagnostic perspective. In the history and clinical examination, mild diarrheic feces mixed with uncoagulated blood and mucus were determined in all dogs. Tenesmus after defecation, mild weight loss and anemia were common observations. Abdominal palpation revealed a palpable thickened large intestine. Biochemical analyses of blood serums showed that potassium levels were increased, and sodium and total protein levels were decreased. A contrast radiographie examination showed that colon walls were thickened; stenosis, dilatation and shortening of the colons had occurred; and the normal shape of the colons had changed. In microbiologie investigations, in eight dogs' feces, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli were isolated. In electrocardiograms, there were typically large peaked T waves in all dogs and flattened P waves in only two dogs. P-R and Q-T intervals were prolonged in four dogs and in only one dog widened QRS and bradycardia were present.In conclusion, it is important to evaluate the clinical signs with radiologie, electrocardiographic and laboratory findings when diagnosing colitis and ulcerative colitis in dogs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Sütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimleri
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
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