Hatay Bölgesi içme suyu örneklerinde flor düzeyleri
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Hatay ilinin 12 farklı bölgesinden yaz aylarında alınan 88 içme suyu örneği flor düzeyleri, iyon selektif elektrot kul-lanılarak potansiyometrik olarak tespit edildi. Örneklerin ortalama flor düzeyi 0.174±0.016 ppm olarak saptandı. Bölge içme suları ortalamalarına göre en düşük flor düzeyi Belen'de (0.071 ±0.018 ppm), en yüksek ise Reyhanlı bölgesinde (0.436+0.035 ppm) ölçüldü. Bölgeler arasındaki farklılık istatistiksel olarak önemli bulundu (p<0.001). Erzin'de bulunan, daha çok yaz aylarında içme suyu olarak kullanılan üç kaynağa ait su örneklerinin ortalama flor düzeyi 1.870±0.242 ppm olarak tespit edildi. Kaynak suları hariç, bölge içme sularının Dünya Sağlık Örgütü'nün bildirdiği flor düzeyinden düşük ol-duğu saptandı. Hatay ilinde yaşayan çocuklara diş gelişimi ve sağlığı için diş hekimleri tavsiyesi doğrultusunda flor tak-viyesinin yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.
Fluoride ion concentration of 88 drinking water samples which were collected from twelve different province of Hatay in summer, were measured potentiometrically by using an ion selective electrode. The mean fluoride ion con-centration was found to be 0.17410.016 ppm. The lowest fluoride level was detected in Belen (0.071±0.018 ppm) and the highest was measured in Reyhanlı province (0.436±0.035 ppm). Significant differences were seen between the fluoride ion levels of the regions (p<0.001). The fluoride ion levels of the three spring water which are consumed only summer time in Erzin province were found 1.87010.242 ppm. Except for Erzin spring water samples, other water samples was found to contain insufficient fluoride ions according to World Health Organisation. It was concluded that fluoride tablets should be given to the children under the supervision of dentists in Hatay province.
Fluoride ion concentration of 88 drinking water samples which were collected from twelve different province of Hatay in summer, were measured potentiometrically by using an ion selective electrode. The mean fluoride ion con-centration was found to be 0.17410.016 ppm. The lowest fluoride level was detected in Belen (0.071±0.018 ppm) and the highest was measured in Reyhanlı province (0.436±0.035 ppm). Significant differences were seen between the fluoride ion levels of the regions (p<0.001). The fluoride ion levels of the three spring water which are consumed only summer time in Erzin province were found 1.87010.242 ppm. Except for Erzin spring water samples, other water samples was found to contain insufficient fluoride ions according to World Health Organisation. It was concluded that fluoride tablets should be given to the children under the supervision of dentists in Hatay province.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi . Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
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