Alt gastrointestinal sistem kanaması ile karakterize kolonda yaygın idiopatik varisler
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Kolon varisleri oldukça ender görülmekle birlikte genellikle portal hipertansiyona ikincil karşımıza çıkarlar. İdiopatik kolon varisleri ise çok daha ender olup, özellikle masif alt gastrointestinal sistem kanaması etiyolojisinde düşünülmelidir. Kırk beş yaşında erkek hasta 1 hafta önce başlayan, aralıklarla tekrar eden rektal kanama ve ciddi anemi bulguları ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastaya 4 ünite kan transfüzyonu yapıldı. Yapılan kolonoskopide tüm kolonda yaygın submukozal varisler izlendi. Varis etiyolojisinin araştırılması amaçlı yapılan tetkiklerde portal herhangi bir patoloji bulunamadı. Takipte olduğu süre boyunca aktif kanaması olmayan hasta konservatif önerilerle taburcu edildi. Kolonun idiopatik varisleri ender görülür ancak masif rektal kanama ile başvuran hastalarda ayırıcı tanı içinde düşünülmelidir. Tedavisinde konservatif yaklaşım ön plandadır, ancak durdurulamayan kanamalarda segmental ya da total kolektomi önerilmektedir.
Colon varices are very rare lesions that usually present as secondary to portal hypertension. Idiopathic colon varices are even rarer, and should be considered especially in the etiology of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Fortyfive year old male presented to our hospital with complaints of recurrent rectal bleeding for one week and severe anemia. The patient was transfused with 4 units of blood. His colonoscopy revealed diffuse submucosal varices. The tests performed for investigation of etiology did not reveal any portal pathology. The patient did not experience another episode of active bleeding during follow-up and was discharged with conservative recommendations. Idiopathic colon varices are rare but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with massive rectal bleeding. Conservative approach is first line of treatment, reserving segmental or total colectomy only for ongoing hemorrhage.
Colon varices are very rare lesions that usually present as secondary to portal hypertension. Idiopathic colon varices are even rarer, and should be considered especially in the etiology of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Fortyfive year old male presented to our hospital with complaints of recurrent rectal bleeding for one week and severe anemia. The patient was transfused with 4 units of blood. His colonoscopy revealed diffuse submucosal varices. The tests performed for investigation of etiology did not reveal any portal pathology. The patient did not experience another episode of active bleeding during follow-up and was discharged with conservative recommendations. Idiopathic colon varices are rare but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with massive rectal bleeding. Conservative approach is first line of treatment, reserving segmental or total colectomy only for ongoing hemorrhage.
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