Anadolu manda düvelerinde besleme düzeyinin gelişim, ilk defa çiftleştirme yaşı ve ağırlığına etkisi
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Bu araştırma ile yemleme düzeyinin iyileştirilmesinin, Anadolu manda düvelerinin gelişimine, cinsi olgunluk yaşına ve ağırlığına . etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini 19-24 aylık yaşta 10 baş Anadolu Irkı manda düvesi oluşturmuştur. Deneme hayvanları, denemenin başlangıcında tamamen rastgele olmak üzere 2 yemleme grubuna ayrılmıştır. Gruplardan tamamen rastgele seçilen bir tanesine (A) 2579 kcal ME/kg/gün enerji ve %14.44 ham protein içeren 1.5 kg konsantre yem, diğer gruba ise günde aynı konsantre yemden 1.2kg ve 0.3 kg saman ( 2175 kcal ME/kg ve % 12.87 hani protein) (B grubu) verilmiştir. Ayrıca her iki grup hayvana deneme boyunca ad libitum olarak 3/1 fiğ-arpa otu karışımı yedirilmiştir. Düveler döl tutuncaya kadar bu 2 farklı rasyonla beslenmiş, cinsi olgunluk yaş ve canlı 'ağırlıkları tespit edilmiştir. 15 günlük aralıklarla tartım yapılmış ve muhtelif vücut ölçüleri (cidago yüksekliği; vücut uzunluğu, göğüs çevresi) belirlenmiştir. Her yaş için (19-30 ay) cidago yüksekliği, vücut uzunluğu ve göğüs çevresi ölçülerine ve canlı ağırlığa ait ortalama değerler her yemleme grubu için ayrı ayrı hesaplanmıştır. B tipi rasyonla beslenen grubun incelenen tier özellik açısından geri kaldığı, ilk defa'çiftleştirme canlı ağırlığının her iki grupta benzer, buna karşın çiftleşme yaşının farklı Olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anadolu ırkı manda düvelerinde besleme düzeyini iyileştirmek suretiyle verimsiz sürenin kısaltılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
In this reseach it was aimed to determine the effect of improving of nutrition level on growth performance, age and live weight of puberty of Anatolian buffalo heifers. The material of the study was formed by 10 Anatolian buffalo heifers at 19-24 month ages. Trial animals were classified into 2 feeding groups at, randomly. One of the groups (group A) that were chosen randomly, was given 1.5 kg/da/ concentrate including 2579 kcalME/kg/day energy and 14.44 % crude protein, second one (group B) was given 1.2 kg/day the same concentrate and 0.3 kg/day wheat straw (as a total of 2175. kcal ME/kg and 12.87% crude protein) (B grubu). In addition heifers from the both of groups were given dried mixture of cow vetches -barley grass (3/1) as ad libitum along the trial. Heifers were fed with the rations until their conception. Their live weight and some body measurements (Chest girth, body length, height at withers) were determined with 15 days intervals along the experiment. In addition, their age and live weight of puberty were recorded. The average values of chest girth, body length, height at withers and live weight for each age (19-30 month age) were calculated for both of the feeding groups separately. The group fed with B type ration has low values than group fed with A type ration in point of all the investigated characteristics. First mating live weight of the both groups are resemble although their first mating ages are different. It is concluded that unproductive period of Anatolian buffalo heifers can be shorteried by improving feeding level.
In this reseach it was aimed to determine the effect of improving of nutrition level on growth performance, age and live weight of puberty of Anatolian buffalo heifers. The material of the study was formed by 10 Anatolian buffalo heifers at 19-24 month ages. Trial animals were classified into 2 feeding groups at, randomly. One of the groups (group A) that were chosen randomly, was given 1.5 kg/da/ concentrate including 2579 kcalME/kg/day energy and 14.44 % crude protein, second one (group B) was given 1.2 kg/day the same concentrate and 0.3 kg/day wheat straw (as a total of 2175. kcal ME/kg and 12.87% crude protein) (B grubu). In addition heifers from the both of groups were given dried mixture of cow vetches -barley grass (3/1) as ad libitum along the trial. Heifers were fed with the rations until their conception. Their live weight and some body measurements (Chest girth, body length, height at withers) were determined with 15 days intervals along the experiment. In addition, their age and live weight of puberty were recorded. The average values of chest girth, body length, height at withers and live weight for each age (19-30 month age) were calculated for both of the feeding groups separately. The group fed with B type ration has low values than group fed with A type ration in point of all the investigated characteristics. First mating live weight of the both groups are resemble although their first mating ages are different. It is concluded that unproductive period of Anatolian buffalo heifers can be shorteried by improving feeding level.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Ortak Disiplinler
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri