Investigations the gross hepatic, pulmonary and reproductive lesions in cows during an abattoir survey
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Bu çalışma ineklerdeki karaciğer, akciğer ve reprodüktif sistemdeki sorunların belirlenebilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Antakya Mezbahasına kesim için getirilen yaşları 4-9 arasında değişen Holştayn melezi 800 inek değerlendirmeye alındı. Kesim öncesi klinik muayeneler ve rektal palpasyon yapıldı. Kesilen hayvanların % 48.75'inde hidatit kist, % 25.62'sinde fasioliazis, % 6.87'sinde tek veya çift taraflı akciğer lezyonları belirlendi. Kistler hayvanların % 38.20'sinde akciğer, % 39.48'sinde akciğer ve karaciğer, % 22.30'unda karaciğerde tespit edildi. Kesim sonrası muayenede ineklerin % 31.25'inin gebe olduğu ve bu gebelerin de % 52'sinde reprodüktif sorunlar belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; karaciğer, akciğer ve reprodüktif problemlerin Antakya bölgesi ineklerinde önemli sağlık sorunları oluşturduğu, bu yüzden parazit kontrol programlarının uygulanması, yetiştiricilerin koruyucu hekimlik, sürü idaresi ve yetiştiricilik açısından bilgilendirilmesi gerektiği kanısına varıldı.
This study was conducted to determine the problems of the liver, lungs, and reproductive abnormalities in cows. In this study, 800 Holstein and its crossbreed cows, four to nine years old, presented to Antakya Slaughterhouse were evaluated. Ante-mortem clinical examinations and rectal palpation were performed before slaughtering. Hydatid cysts in 48.75%, fascioliasis in 25.62%, unilateral or bilateral lung lesions in 6.87% of cows were found. The organ distribution of cysts in infected animals was 38.20% in lungs, 39.48% in both liver and lungs and 22.30% in liver. The results of the clinical and after slaughtering examination showed that 31.25% of cows were pregnant and 52% of them had reproduction problems. It was concluded that liver and lung parasitism and reproduction problems are the major health problems of cows in Antakya province, therefore, parasite control program should be established and breeders should be informed for the preventative health, management, and breeding aspects of the cows.
This study was conducted to determine the problems of the liver, lungs, and reproductive abnormalities in cows. In this study, 800 Holstein and its crossbreed cows, four to nine years old, presented to Antakya Slaughterhouse were evaluated. Ante-mortem clinical examinations and rectal palpation were performed before slaughtering. Hydatid cysts in 48.75%, fascioliasis in 25.62%, unilateral or bilateral lung lesions in 6.87% of cows were found. The organ distribution of cysts in infected animals was 38.20% in lungs, 39.48% in both liver and lungs and 22.30% in liver. The results of the clinical and after slaughtering examination showed that 31.25% of cows were pregnant and 52% of them had reproduction problems. It was concluded that liver and lung parasitism and reproduction problems are the major health problems of cows in Antakya province, therefore, parasite control program should be established and breeders should be informed for the preventative health, management, and breeding aspects of the cows.
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Veteriner Cerrahi Derg.
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