Ratlarda defektif kırıklarda uygulanan farklı greftlerin sonuçları
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İskelet sistemi hareket için esas bir yapıdır. Uygulanan mekanik güç kemiğin taşıyabileceğinden fazla ise kırılır. Travma, kemik enfeksiyonları, konjenital anomaliler, kas iskelet sistemi tümör cerrahisi, revizyon artroplasti cerrahisi ve spinal cerrahi gibi rekonstrüktif işlemler sırasında oluşan kemik defektlerini tedavi etmek amacıyla kemik greftleri ve kemik yerini tutabilecek maddeler artan sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Kemik grefti olarak otogreftler ve allogreftler kullanılır. Kemik yerine geçebilecek maddeler arasında ise seramikler (dogal ve sentetik), demineralize kemik matriksi, kemik morfojenik protein, otolog kemik iligi, büyüme faktörleri ve kompozit greftler tercih edilebilir. Bu çalışmada amaç uygulanan farklı greftlerin oluşturulan kemik kırık defekt modellerinde iyileşme üzerine etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. 80 adet Wistar-Albino tipi erkek sıçan Kontrol ve Çalışma (kortikokansellöz allogreft, demineralize kemik matriksi ve sentetik cam seramik) grubu olarak 20'er adet olarak dörte ayrıldı. Sedasyon anestezi altında tüm sıçanların sağ femur diafiz bölgelerinde cisim çapının 2 katı kadar defektif kırık elektrikli testere ile oluşturuldu(80). Kırık sonrası femur kırıkları retrograd 2 mm Kirschner Teli(K-Wire) ile tespit edildi. 1. grup kontrol grubu olarak kabul edilerek defektif bölgeye herhengi bir madde uygulanmadı. 2.grubtaki defektif bölgeye allogreft, 3.guptakilere demineralize kemik matriksi, 4.gruba biyoaktif cam seramik uygulandı. Eşit sayıda sıçanda kırık oluşturulduktan 6 hafta sonrası sakrifiye edilerek, kırık iyileşmesi araştırılmak üzere (biyomekanik ve histopatolojik) değerlendirildi. Biyomekanik ve histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda kontrol ve çalışma grubları arasında anlamlı fark saptandı. Çalışma grupları kendi aralarında değerlendirildiklerinde ise anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı. Bu bulgulara göre, rat femur defektif modelinde, lokal olarak uygulanan greftlerin, biyomekanik ve histopatolojik olarak iyileşme üzerine olumlu etki gösterdiği tespit edildi.
Skeleton system is a main structure for movement. If the mechanical force is bigger than which the bone can tolarate, it will be broken. Trauma, bone infections, congenital abnormalities and bone defects which occur during the attempts as musculoskeletal tumor surgery, revision artroplasty surgery and spinal surgery can be treated with bone grafts and severe materials which can be used instead of bone. Recently the usage of these materials increases day by day. Autografts and allografts can be used as bone grafts. The materials which can be used instead of bone are; ceramics (natural or synthetic), demineralized bone matrix, bone morphogenic protein, autologous bone narrow, growth factors and composite grafts. The aim of this study is to determine the level of bone fracture healing which treated by using different kinds of grafts. For this study we used 80 male Wistar-Albino rats and we made 4 different groups. Each group contained 20 rats. The first group was control (sham) group and the second was corticocancellous bone graft, third was demineralized bone matrix and the last one was synthetic bioglass ceramic group. All the rats, under dissosiative anesthesia, were operated through right femur diaphysis and were constituted a defective fracture two-fold of matter by using with an electrical mini saw (80). After this process the fragments of fractured femur were immobilized retrogradely with 2 mm Kirshner wire (K-Wire). In first group we only immobilized the fracture with K-wire but no graft applied. In 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups we applied allograft, demineralized bone matrix, bioactive glass ceramic respectively to the defective bone regions. After 6 weeks we injected high doses of anesthetic drug for euthanasia to each rat and extirpated the right femurs. To determine the level of fracture healing we analyzed the femurs both biomechanically and histopathologically. Biomechanical and histopathological observations revealed substantial discrepancies between control and other groups but no substantial discrepancies between 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups. According to this findings, the grafts which can be used for strengthen the fracture of bones can provide benefits and positive biomechanical and histopathological effects on recovery on femur defective model in rats.
Skeleton system is a main structure for movement. If the mechanical force is bigger than which the bone can tolarate, it will be broken. Trauma, bone infections, congenital abnormalities and bone defects which occur during the attempts as musculoskeletal tumor surgery, revision artroplasty surgery and spinal surgery can be treated with bone grafts and severe materials which can be used instead of bone. Recently the usage of these materials increases day by day. Autografts and allografts can be used as bone grafts. The materials which can be used instead of bone are; ceramics (natural or synthetic), demineralized bone matrix, bone morphogenic protein, autologous bone narrow, growth factors and composite grafts. The aim of this study is to determine the level of bone fracture healing which treated by using different kinds of grafts. For this study we used 80 male Wistar-Albino rats and we made 4 different groups. Each group contained 20 rats. The first group was control (sham) group and the second was corticocancellous bone graft, third was demineralized bone matrix and the last one was synthetic bioglass ceramic group. All the rats, under dissosiative anesthesia, were operated through right femur diaphysis and were constituted a defective fracture two-fold of matter by using with an electrical mini saw (80). After this process the fragments of fractured femur were immobilized retrogradely with 2 mm Kirshner wire (K-Wire). In first group we only immobilized the fracture with K-wire but no graft applied. In 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups we applied allograft, demineralized bone matrix, bioactive glass ceramic respectively to the defective bone regions. After 6 weeks we injected high doses of anesthetic drug for euthanasia to each rat and extirpated the right femurs. To determine the level of fracture healing we analyzed the femurs both biomechanically and histopathologically. Biomechanical and histopathological observations revealed substantial discrepancies between control and other groups but no substantial discrepancies between 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups. According to this findings, the grafts which can be used for strengthen the fracture of bones can provide benefits and positive biomechanical and histopathological effects on recovery on femur defective model in rats.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Kırık iyileşmesi, Rat, Greft, Fracture Repair, Rat, Greft