The effect of formic acid, molasses and inoculant as silage additives on corn silage composition and ruminal fermentation characteristics in sheep
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Bu araştırma formik asit, melas ve mikrobiyal inokülant (homofermentatif laktik asit bakterileri) katkılı mısır silajlarının kalitelerini ve koyunlarda rumen fermantasyonuna etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Katkısız ve formik asit (% 0,5), melas (% 5) ve İnokulant (10 g/ton) katkılı silajlar rumen kanüllü 1,5 yaşlı Kıvırcık x Morkaraman koyunlara yedirildi. Melas katkılı silajlarda KM ve HP içerikleri diğer gruplara göre yüksek bulundu (P < 0,05). Muameleler arasında silaj pH'sı bakımından farklılık bulunmadı. Laktik asit düzeyi enzim ve melas katkılı gruplarda diğer gruplara göre daha yüksek belirlendi (P < 0,05). Asetik asit düzeyi en yüksek asit katkılı, en düşük melas katkılı grupta belirlendi (P < 0,05). Silajları tüketen tokluların yemleme öncesi ve sonrası rumen sıvısı organik asit miktarlarında katkılı silajlar lehinde farklılık gözlenirken (P < 0,05); katkılı silaj tüketen toklularda genel olarak asetik asit miktarı daha düşük, bütirik asit miktarı daha yüksek tespit edildi. Muameleler arasında propiyonik asit bakımından farklılığa rastlanmadı.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of formic acid, molasses, and microbial inoculant (homofermentative lactic acid bacteria) as silage additives on silage quality and ruminal fermentation characteristics. Silages with or without formic acid (0.5%), molasses (5%), or microbial inoculant (10 g/t) were fed to ruminally cannulated, 1.5 year-old Kıvırcık x Morkaraman sheep. Silage treated with molasses had significantly greater DM and CP concentrations compared with other groups (P < 0.05). pH values did not significantly differ among treatments (P > 0.05). Lactic acid concentrations were significantly higher in silages treated with enzyme or molasses compared with others (P < 0.05). While acetic acid concentration was the highest in silage treated with acid, it was the lowest in silage treated with molasses (P < 0.05). Silage NH3-N concentration was the highest in silage treated with molasses, but the lowest in silage treated with acid (P < 0.05). Post-feeding ruminal total organic acid concentrations were significantly greater in sheep fed silages with additive than the control (P < 0.05). While percentages of acetic acid were greater, percentages of butyric acids were less in the rumen fluid of sheep fed silage without additive compared with the rumen fluid of sheep fed silage treated with silage additives. However, percentages of propionic acid did not differ among treatments.
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of formic acid, molasses, and microbial inoculant (homofermentative lactic acid bacteria) as silage additives on silage quality and ruminal fermentation characteristics. Silages with or without formic acid (0.5%), molasses (5%), or microbial inoculant (10 g/t) were fed to ruminally cannulated, 1.5 year-old Kıvırcık x Morkaraman sheep. Silage treated with molasses had significantly greater DM and CP concentrations compared with other groups (P < 0.05). pH values did not significantly differ among treatments (P > 0.05). Lactic acid concentrations were significantly higher in silages treated with enzyme or molasses compared with others (P < 0.05). While acetic acid concentration was the highest in silage treated with acid, it was the lowest in silage treated with molasses (P < 0.05). Silage NH3-N concentration was the highest in silage treated with molasses, but the lowest in silage treated with acid (P < 0.05). Post-feeding ruminal total organic acid concentrations were significantly greater in sheep fed silages with additive than the control (P < 0.05). While percentages of acetic acid were greater, percentages of butyric acids were less in the rumen fluid of sheep fed silage without additive compared with the rumen fluid of sheep fed silage treated with silage additives. However, percentages of propionic acid did not differ among treatments.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Sütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimleri
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
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