Evaluation of subclinical liver lesions in goats by fltrasonographic and biohemical analyses
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Bu çalışma Hatay'ın çeşitli yerlerinden temin edilen değişik yaş ve cinsiyetten 75 Şam keçisi ve melezleri üzerinde ya-pıldı. Gerekli anamnez alındıktan sonra, bütün hayvanlar klinik, ultrasonografik ve biyokimyasal muayenelere tabi tutuldu. Klinik bulgular genellikle normal idi. Ultrasonografik olarak, hayvanların 17'sinde parenşimal, 8'inde bilier sistem ve 23'ünde de hem parenşimal hem de bilier sistem lezyonlarına birlikte rastlandı. Bu lezyonlu 48 keçide 26 parenşimal hiperekojenite, 17 kist, 10 kitle, 25 safra kesesi duvarında kalınlaşma, 3 katlanma ve 3 sediment oluşumu tek başına ya da diğer lezyonlarla birlikte gözlendi. ALT, ALP, AST, GOT, BUN, TP, CB, CHO, albumin ve glukoz konsantrasyonları lezyonlu ve lezyonsuz keçilerde normal iken, sadece LDH her ikisinde de yüksek bulundu. Bu çalışma ile karaciğer lezyonlarının klinik ve biyokimyasal anormallikler ortaya çıkmadan önce ultrasonografik olarak gözlenebileceği sonucuna varıldı.
This study included 75 Damascus and its crossbreed goats from different age and sexes in the Hatay province. Following the history, all the animals were subjected to clinical, ultrasonographic and biochemical examinations. The clinical signs were generally normal. Ultrasonographically, parenchyma! lesions in 17, biliary system abnormalities in 8 and both biliary and parenchymal abnormalities in 23 animals were detected. In these 48 goats with hepatic lesions; 26 parenchymal hyperechogenicity, 17 cysts and 10 masses of parenchyma, and 25 wall thickenings, 3 foldings and 3 sediments of gallbladder were observed alone or together. LDH levels in goats with and without hepatic lesions were higher than normal reference range, whereas ALT, ALP, AST, GOT, BUN, TP, CB, CHO, albumine and glucose concentrations were in normal reference ranges. In this study, it is concluded that lesions could be observed Ultrasonographically before clinical signs and biochemical abnormalities manifest.
This study included 75 Damascus and its crossbreed goats from different age and sexes in the Hatay province. Following the history, all the animals were subjected to clinical, ultrasonographic and biochemical examinations. The clinical signs were generally normal. Ultrasonographically, parenchyma! lesions in 17, biliary system abnormalities in 8 and both biliary and parenchymal abnormalities in 23 animals were detected. In these 48 goats with hepatic lesions; 26 parenchymal hyperechogenicity, 17 cysts and 10 masses of parenchyma, and 25 wall thickenings, 3 foldings and 3 sediments of gallbladder were observed alone or together. LDH levels in goats with and without hepatic lesions were higher than normal reference range, whereas ALT, ALP, AST, GOT, BUN, TP, CB, CHO, albumine and glucose concentrations were in normal reference ranges. In this study, it is concluded that lesions could be observed Ultrasonographically before clinical signs and biochemical abnormalities manifest.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri