Kafaiçi anevrizmalarda bilgisayarlı tomografik anjiografinin yeri
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Amaç: Serebral anevrizmaların tanısında geçerli olan üç yöntem vardır. Bunlar; manyetik rezonans anjiografi (MRA), dijital substraksiyon anjiografi (DSA) ve 3 boyutlu komputerize tomografi anjiografi (CTA) dir. Biz bu çalışmada CTA’nin avantajlarının ve sınırlarının anlaşılması, DSA ile karşılaştırılarak tedavi metodu konusunda farlılık olup olmamasını inceledik. Yöntem ve Gereç: Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim dalında son 2 yılda, kontrastsız CT tetkikinde, subaraknoid kanama tespit edilen ve bu nedenle takip ve tedavi altına alınan 40 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 40 olguya, üç gün içinde önce CTA, daha sonra DSA yapıldı. Olguların 10’unda (%25) anevrizma tespit edilemedi. 30 olguda (%75) anevrizma tespit edildi. Anevrizmaların en küçüğü 3x2 mm, en büyüğü 7x11 mm boyutlarında idi. Tartışma: DSA, anevrizmaların tanısında ve değerlendirilmesinde altın standart görüntüleme yöntemi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak DSA zaman alan, pahalı, düşükte olsa komplikasyonlara neden olabilen bir yöntemdir. Sonuç: Bizim çalışmamızın bulguları ışığında, CTA’nin DSA’ya göre bazı dezavantajları olmasına rağmen, anevrizma tanısında DSA kadar efektif bir tanı yöntemidir.
Aim: There are three methods for the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms, including magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), digital substracting angiography (DSA), and three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography (CTA). We tried to understand advantages and disadvantages of CTA in a comparison with DSA in the present study. Material and methods: The study was performed in the Neurosurgery Department of the Mustafa Kemal University on cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage during 2011 and 2012. Computed tomography examinations were performed without administration of any contrast agent. Results: Fourty cases were included into the study. CTA at first and then DSA were performed in all cases in the first three days. Aneurysm could be detected in 30 cases (75.0%) with ranges of 3x2 and 7x11 mm in sizes. Discussion: DSA is accepted as the gold standard method for the diagnosis and evaluation of intracranial aneurysms. However, it is an expensive and time-consuming method, and it has a low risk of complications. Conclusion: According to our results, although CTA has some disadvantages, it is as effective as DSA for the diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms.
Aim: There are three methods for the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms, including magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), digital substracting angiography (DSA), and three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography (CTA). We tried to understand advantages and disadvantages of CTA in a comparison with DSA in the present study. Material and methods: The study was performed in the Neurosurgery Department of the Mustafa Kemal University on cases with subarachnoid hemorrhage during 2011 and 2012. Computed tomography examinations were performed without administration of any contrast agent. Results: Fourty cases were included into the study. CTA at first and then DSA were performed in all cases in the first three days. Aneurysm could be detected in 30 cases (75.0%) with ranges of 3x2 and 7x11 mm in sizes. Discussion: DSA is accepted as the gold standard method for the diagnosis and evaluation of intracranial aneurysms. However, it is an expensive and time-consuming method, and it has a low risk of complications. Conclusion: According to our results, although CTA has some disadvantages, it is as effective as DSA for the diagnosis of intracranial aneurysms.
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