Türkiye'de meydana gelen römork eklenmiş tek akslı traktör (patpat) kazalarının analizi
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Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye'de tek akslı iki tekerlekli traktörlerin (Patpat) kullanımı son yıllarda önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Tek akslı traktörlerin arkasına römork (tarım arabası) eklenerek oluşturulan ve halk arasında Patpat olarak isimlendirilen araçların karıştığı kazaların sayısı da artış göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada; 2006-2016 yılları arasında Türkiye'de yollarda meydana gelen römork eklenmiş tek akslı traktör (Patpat) kazaları incelenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü (EGM) ve Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı (JGK) ekipleri tarafından kayda alınmış olan ve sadece yolarda meydana gelen ölümlü ve / veya yaralanmalı kazaları kapsamaktadır. 11 yıllık sürede (2006-2016), EGM sorumluluk alanlarında, 6'sı ölümlü, 320'si yaralanmalı toplam 326 kazada 688 kişi etkilenmiştir (7 ölü, 681 yaralı). Aynı dönemde, JGK sorumluluk alanlarında ise, 25'i ölümlü, 293'ü yaralanmalı toplam 318 kazada 770 kişi etkilenmiştir (27 ölü, 743 yaralı). Her iki veri setinde, 31'i ölümlü, 613'ü yaralanmalı toplam 644 kazada toplam 1458 kişi etkilenmiştir (34 ölü, 1424 yaralı). Kazaların en fazla meydana geldiği ilk üç coğrafinin bölgenin Karadeniz Bölgesi, Akdeniz Bölgesi ve Ege Bölgesi olduğu görülmüştür. Kazaların en fazla meydana geldiği ilk üç il; EGM verilerine göre, Afyonkarahisar (%14.1), Ordu (%13.8) ve Mersin (%11.3) iken, JGK verilerine göre ise Afyonkarahisar (%26.7), Zonguldak (%10.4) ve Isparta (%8.5)'dır. Her iki veri setinde de kazaların en fazla Çarpma / çarpışma şeklinde meydana geldiği (EGM: %69.6, JGK: %65.7) görülmüştür. Devrilme / savrulma / takla atma şeklinde meydana gelen kazalar ikinci (EGM: %16.6, JGK: %17.9) sıradadır. Kazaların daha çok yaz mevsiminde (EGM: %40.5; JGK: %43.1) ve sonbahar mevsiminde (EGM: %32.8; JGK: %35.8) yoğunlaştığı görülmüştür. EGM sorumluluk alanındaki kazalar daha çok yerleşim yeri içinde (%82.5), JGK sorumluluk alanında ise daha çok yerleşim yeri dışında (%53.8) meydana gelmiştir. Ayrıca, EGM sorumluluk alanındaki kazalar en fazla caddelerde (%49.1), JGK sorumluluk alanlarında ise; köy yollarında (%47.8) meydana gelmiştir. Kazalara karışan sürücülerin çoğunluğu ilkokul eğitimine (EGM: %68.1; JGK: %47.5) sahip olup, büyük çoğunluğu (EGM: %97.5; JGK: %97.2) erkektir. Kazalara karışan sürücülerin büyük çoğunluğunun (EGM: %63.8; JGK: %74.2) sürücü belgesinin bulunmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ülkemizde römork eklenmiş tek akslı traktörlerin (Patpat) karıştığı kazalar artış eğilimindedir. Bu araçların yavaş ilerlemesi, düşük frenleme ve düşük dönme kabiliyetine sahip olması, özellikle gece zor fark edilebilmesi ve standart yapıya sahip olmaması gibi sebeplerle yollarda kullanılması uygun değildir. Kazaların büyük çoğunluğunun insan kaynaklı olduğu dikkate alındığında bu konuda eğitim ve trafik denetimi çalışmalarına ağırlık verilmesi gerektiği önerilmektedir.
The use of one-axle two-wheel tractors in Turkey has increased significantly in recent years. Accidents involving farm vehicles called Patpat that were converted from one-axle tractors by adding a trailer behind have also increased. In this study; trailer attached one-axle tractor (Patpat) accidents, which took place in Turkey between 2006 and 2016 were investigated. The data used in the study covers fatal and / or injury accidents, which occurred only on the roads and recorded by the General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu, EGM) and General Command of the Gendarmerie (Jandarma Genel Komutanligi, JGK). In the 11 year period (2006-2016), in EGM responsibility areas, 688 people were affected (7 dead and 681 injured) in 326 accidents (6 fatal and 320 injury) while in JGK responsibility areas, 770 people (27 dead and 743 injured) were affected by 318 accidents (25 fatal and 293 injury). In both data sets, a total of 1458 people (34 dead and 1424 injured) were affected in 644 accidents (31 fatal and 613 injury). The first three geographical regions where the accidents mostly occurred were the Black Sea Region, Mediterranean Region and Aegean Region. In the EGM data, Afyonkarahisar (14.1%), Ordu (13.8%) and Mersin (11.3%) and in the JGK data, Afyonkarahisar (26.7%), Zonguldak (%10.4) and Isparta (8.5%) were the first three provinces where the accidents took place the most. In both data sets, it was seen that the accidents occurred mostly in the form of crash / collision (EGM: 69.6%, JGK: 65.7%) while the accidents involving overturn / skidding / rollover were second (EGM: 16.6%, JGK: 17.9%). The accidents were the most frequent during the summer (EGM: 40.5%, JGK: 43.1%) and autumn (EGM: 32.8%; JGK: 35.8%) seasons. The accidents in the EGM responsibility areas were mostly in urban areas (82.5%) and the accidents of JGK responsibility areas were in the rural areas (53.8%). In addition, the accidents in EGM responsibility area were the highest in streets (49.1%) while in JGK responsibility areas, they were higher in village roads (47.8%). The majority of the operators involved in the accidents had primary school education (EGM: 68.1%, JGK: 47.5%) and were male (EGM: 97.5%, JGK: 97.2% ). It was also determined that he majority of the operators involved in the accidents had no driver's license (EGM: %63.8; JGK: %74.2). As a result, it was observed that the accidents involving trailer-attached one-axle two-wheel tractor vehicles (Patpat) tend to increase. It can be said that these vehicles are not suitable for driving on the roads since they are slow, with low braking and low steering ability, difficult to be noticed at night and not having standard structure. Considering that the vast majority of the accidents are of human origin, it is suggested that training and traffic surveillance should be given importance in this regard.
The use of one-axle two-wheel tractors in Turkey has increased significantly in recent years. Accidents involving farm vehicles called Patpat that were converted from one-axle tractors by adding a trailer behind have also increased. In this study; trailer attached one-axle tractor (Patpat) accidents, which took place in Turkey between 2006 and 2016 were investigated. The data used in the study covers fatal and / or injury accidents, which occurred only on the roads and recorded by the General Directorate of Security (Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu, EGM) and General Command of the Gendarmerie (Jandarma Genel Komutanligi, JGK). In the 11 year period (2006-2016), in EGM responsibility areas, 688 people were affected (7 dead and 681 injured) in 326 accidents (6 fatal and 320 injury) while in JGK responsibility areas, 770 people (27 dead and 743 injured) were affected by 318 accidents (25 fatal and 293 injury). In both data sets, a total of 1458 people (34 dead and 1424 injured) were affected in 644 accidents (31 fatal and 613 injury). The first three geographical regions where the accidents mostly occurred were the Black Sea Region, Mediterranean Region and Aegean Region. In the EGM data, Afyonkarahisar (14.1%), Ordu (13.8%) and Mersin (11.3%) and in the JGK data, Afyonkarahisar (26.7%), Zonguldak (%10.4) and Isparta (8.5%) were the first three provinces where the accidents took place the most. In both data sets, it was seen that the accidents occurred mostly in the form of crash / collision (EGM: 69.6%, JGK: 65.7%) while the accidents involving overturn / skidding / rollover were second (EGM: 16.6%, JGK: 17.9%). The accidents were the most frequent during the summer (EGM: 40.5%, JGK: 43.1%) and autumn (EGM: 32.8%; JGK: 35.8%) seasons. The accidents in the EGM responsibility areas were mostly in urban areas (82.5%) and the accidents of JGK responsibility areas were in the rural areas (53.8%). In addition, the accidents in EGM responsibility area were the highest in streets (49.1%) while in JGK responsibility areas, they were higher in village roads (47.8%). The majority of the operators involved in the accidents had primary school education (EGM: 68.1%, JGK: 47.5%) and were male (EGM: 97.5%, JGK: 97.2% ). It was also determined that he majority of the operators involved in the accidents had no driver's license (EGM: %63.8; JGK: %74.2). As a result, it was observed that the accidents involving trailer-attached one-axle two-wheel tractor vehicles (Patpat) tend to increase. It can be said that these vehicles are not suitable for driving on the roads since they are slow, with low braking and low steering ability, difficult to be noticed at night and not having standard structure. Considering that the vast majority of the accidents are of human origin, it is suggested that training and traffic surveillance should be given importance in this regard.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture