Öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere yönelik farkındalıklarının incelenmesi
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IKSAD Publications
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Doğal afetler, insanlık tarihinin en yıkıcı olayları arasında yer almakta olup toplumların ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel yapıları üzerinde derin etkiler bırakmaktadır. Depremler, sel baskınları, heyelanlar, kuraklıklar ve benzeri olaylar, insanların yaşamını tehdit ederken, aynı zamanda toplumların dayanıklılıklarını ve duyarlılıklarını sınamaktadırlar. Afet bilincinin artırılması, sadece bireylerin değil, aynı zamanda toplumsal yapıların da güçlendirilmesi için mutlaka gereklidir. Etkili bir afet ve özellikle deprem eğitimi, depremlerden kaynaklanabilecek zararları azaltmak veya bu zararlardan korunmak için çok önemlidir. Bir deprem bölgesi olan Türkiye’de afet eğitimi konusunda birçok girişim hayata geçirilmiş olup, bu girişimler, bireylerin ve toplumun afetlere karşı bilinç düzeyini artırmayı ve risk azaltma stratejilerini yaygınlaştırmayı amaçlayan kapsamlı projelerle desteklenmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarını belirleyebilmektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2024-2025 öğretim yılı Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Anabilim Dalında tezsiz yüksek yapmakta olan öğretmenler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarını belirleyebilmek amacıyla araştırmacı tarafından 3 sorudan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu veri toplama aracı olarak geliştirilmiş ve araştırmada kullanılmıştır. Nitel olarak yürütülen araştırmada yöntem olarak olgu bilim modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, öğretmenlerin doğal afetlere özellikle de depremlere yönelik farkındalıklarının yüksek olduğu, son yaşanan depremlerden sonra farkındalıklarının daha da arttığı, hizmet içi eğitimlerle öğretmenlere doğal afet eğitimleri verilmesi gerektiği, ilkokullardan hatta okul öncesinden itibaren tüm öğrencilere doğal afetlere yönelik özellikle de depremlere yönelik eğitimlerin verilmesi gerektiği gibi sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır.
Natural disasters are among the most devastating events in human history and have profound effects on the economic, social and environmental structures of societies. Earthquakes, floods, landslides, droughts and similar events threaten people's lives while also testing the resilience and sensitivity of societies. Increasing disaster awareness is absolutely necessary not only for the strengthening of individuals but also for the strengthening of socialstructures. Effective disaster and especially earthquake education is very important for reducing the damages that may arise from earthquakes or for protecting from these damages. Many initiatives have been implemented in Turkey, which is an earthquake region, regarding disaster education, and these initiatives are supported by comprehensive projects aiming to increase the awareness of individuals and society against disasters and to disseminate risk reduction strategies. The aim of this research is to determine the awareness of teachers about natural disasters, especially earthquakes. The study group consists of teachers who are doing their master's without thesis in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University in the 2024- 2025 academic year. In order to determine the awareness of teachers about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 3 questions was developed by the researcher as a data collection tool and used in the research. The phenomenological model was used as a method in the qualitative research. At the end of the research, it was concluded that teachers' awareness about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, was high, their awareness increased even more after the recent earthquakes, teachers should be given natural disaster training through in-service training, and all students should be given training about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, starting from primary school and even preschool.
Natural disasters are among the most devastating events in human history and have profound effects on the economic, social and environmental structures of societies. Earthquakes, floods, landslides, droughts and similar events threaten people's lives while also testing the resilience and sensitivity of societies. Increasing disaster awareness is absolutely necessary not only for the strengthening of individuals but also for the strengthening of socialstructures. Effective disaster and especially earthquake education is very important for reducing the damages that may arise from earthquakes or for protecting from these damages. Many initiatives have been implemented in Turkey, which is an earthquake region, regarding disaster education, and these initiatives are supported by comprehensive projects aiming to increase the awareness of individuals and society against disasters and to disseminate risk reduction strategies. The aim of this research is to determine the awareness of teachers about natural disasters, especially earthquakes. The study group consists of teachers who are doing their master's without thesis in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Hatay Mustafa Kemal University in the 2024- 2025 academic year. In order to determine the awareness of teachers about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, a semi-structured interview form consisting of 3 questions was developed by the researcher as a data collection tool and used in the research. The phenomenological model was used as a method in the qualitative research. At the end of the research, it was concluded that teachers' awareness about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, was high, their awareness increased even more after the recent earthquakes, teachers should be given natural disaster training through in-service training, and all students should be given training about natural disasters, especially earthquakes, starting from primary school and even preschool.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Doğal afet, deprem, afet bilinci, Natural disaster, earthquake, disaster awareness
UMTEB - XVI International Scientific Research Congress